Overbridge 2.0.35 Public Beta

It’s been quite a while since the last public beta version and I’m sorry for that.


Nice work. Appreciated!


You’re doing a great job Olle. Thanks for working hard on this!


for sure, above and beyond expectations given the current circumstances

folk will probably have a lot of time on their hands over the coming months to get their teeth into this !


Thank you! :slight_smile:


I’ve just installed latest and the digitone modulation doesn’t appear to be any better… in modulation “other “ the amount slider still does not do anything or move and I’m unable to map it…

EDIT: It does move and work just unable to map… but now think that might be intended

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You sure you’re on the current VST and not on the old one? You might have installed, but the old one could be still in the plugin folder.

It’s always automatically done it for me I’m pretty sure I’ve never replaced the dll.
But I checked that, it says the version on the bottom of the plugins so must be correct.

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As a Cubase user I’m just curious, what are the things that still need to be done?

Pro Tools/AAX is on the agenda right?

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VST is not compiled to be a VST file. it looks like a folder and Cubase does not recognize the plugin after updating to 2.0.35…
tried to uninstall and reinstall.

Tried rescanning for plugins in Cubase again.
Ableton does work as expected.

Mac OS X 10.14.6
Cubase 10.15.12

Confirmed. Same MacOS / Cubase Version.

The extended attributes are missing from the VST bundles. You can copy them over from a previous install using xattr in the Terminal.app.

I recovered the previous VST version from a Time Machine backup and copied it to my user folder, then transferred the extended attributes over to the new VST package directories using the following command:

xattr -wx com.apple.FinderInfo "`xattr -px com.apple.FinderInfo/Users/me/Documents/Elektron/Analog\ Four.vst`" Analog\ Four.vst

You might need to do this as admin user.


Render in Place does not work, for example.

Oh nice. I didn’t realize Bounce In Place would ever work. That will be great.

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I was trying to follow your instructions without success.
I’m getting a

Any idea what I did wrong?

There should be a space between com.apple.FinderInfo and the starte of the path /Users.[…]

And the question is: Where are you executing this command.
You should be in


It works with the Virus TI and with my other synths that have VST editors (Sub 37, SE-02), thus I’d expect it to work with Elektron OB as well.

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My Digitone still loses connection randomly. My Digitakt, instead, works flawlessly.
I’m wondering if it’s related to my new MacBook Pro 16". I had no issues at all with my previous 15" 2014. Looking forward for Apple to release Catalina 10.15.4, hoping it’ll solve the problems.

Working fine now. Thank you!