Overbridge 2.0.31 Public Beta

after installing OB at meetings headphones are constantly dropped out :(, basicly cant use laptop for work meeting

Thanks for that tips, it workt out for me super smooth! =)

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Continuing the discussion from Overbridge 2.0.31 Public Beta:

I’m sure I’m doing something wring and would appreciate your insights if possible:
working on Win 10, Cubase 10.5, digitone, latest Overbridge version.
When recording via Overbridge (i.e. usb) the effects are gone.
when recording via sound card they’re back, but obviously the channels aren’t separated.

If this has been mentioned somewhere else - my apologies. Couldn’t find it.

Effects are on the main channel only, as the effects are send effects and are not individual per track.
You can setup everything in a way, that main channel only records the fx wet output.
At the end you miss the ability to do a lot in your daw, without issues with the effects section.
Either you can live with it, or do fx in the daw too.
Sadly all you p locks for fx are useless that way :frowning:

Got it. At least now I understand what’s going on :upside_down_face:
Thanks fo clearing this out.

One thing that really annoys me is that when I worked solely on the Digitakt and create a beat, complete with filter, reverb, delay effects, etc and then try to record it into Ableton via Overbridge spread out of individual tracks, the audio is only recorded raw and all the applied effects within Digitakt are completely ignored.

I hope this is a known issue or that there is a setting in the Digitakt VST I have overlooked?

This really kills my enjoyment of working out of the box on a track directly on Digitakt and then trying to record it in ableton via Overbridge and have to redo all the sample changes, effects, etc on each track again. :frowning:

@Uija I find this really strange, since if you go into the Digitakt VST it’s basically a virtual copy of the real Digitakt and you can basically re-apply all affects, sample changes, filter, LFO, etc via the VST.

So it looks to me they need to be able to allow all effects, sample changes, filter, LFO, P-locks, etc to be passed through via VST to the DAW.

If they aren’t able to fix this, then Overbridge becomes rather useless and only usefull when being used working completely in the box starting from scratch.

If I need to do that, why in earth would I continue owning and using the Digitakt? I can just as well just use Ableton itself then if I have to redo all the work for 2nd time in Overbridge. :frowning:

But seriously, I don’t see why this can’t be fixed? Everything goes through the Digitakt VST, so all the VST needs to receive is a copy of the saved project you have loaded into the Digitakt, so it can re-apply P-locks, effects, LFO, filter, etc to each track again, before it sends the audio of the individual tracks into your DAW’s audio channels.
Like I said, if you open up the Digitakt VST, you can mess directly with effects, LFO, filter, etc on each individual track and the Master FX has a seperate tab altogether!
The only thing missing currently in the Digitakt VST is the sequencer, so you cannot do any P-locks per step.

As far as I understand, the VST is nothing different, than the buttons and knobs on your device. All it does is controlling the device. It makes it easier to remote control it from your DAW. You cannot controll individual FX in the VST (or you have a different one, than I do). All you do is control how much of your Tracks signal is send to the FX (Thats the Send Knob on a Mixer!). Try to make the Delay on Track 1 16th and on Track 2 8th notes. It won’t work, as both share the same FX Unit.
That has nothing to do with the FX units and this is nothing that can be easily “fixed” because it is not really broken. It works as if you have one delay and one reverb connected to your mixer and you just send the signals to them, to have effects. To have separate FX for each unit would take up a lot of resources, that the device cannot provide, I think.

On to what the Digitakt is for than: You can ask this question to any device outside the box. What do I need the Digitone for? I can just load FM8. What do I need my Deluge for, as it is a very sized down version of Live.
Why use a DAW at all, when you can just find musicians to perform the song with you? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The point is not about the Digitakt itself, but the existence of Overbridge in itself and its usefulness.

For me personally. It just makes Overbridge completely useless. Especially if you are an Ableton Live user (since it has excellent sampling and sequencing capabilities in itself already).

It just means we’re back to where we were before Overbridge and do everything yourself, recording one track at a time directly into your DAW, if you want to work on Digitakt out of the box first.

I don’t think I am alone in this, thinking that Overbridge would be exactly that. A bridge between hardware and DAW. That you could work out of the box on your Digitakt, create stuff and then connect to Overbridge and record the seperate tracks straight into your DAW.

Unfortunately this is not the case and Overbridge is basically just glorified DAW control surface mapping file for you to work inside the box with your hardware, starting from scratch only and an extremely limited one at that, since you cannot use any of the features on Digitakt that makes Digitakt! Like P-locks per sequence step, FX, etc, etc.
Overbridge just turns the Digitakt in a boring simple bogstandard limited sample and sequence player.

So seriously, I just don’t understand who Overbridge is for and what its usefulness is?
Maybe for people that work in DAW’s that don’t have good sequence capabilities perhaps? But then there are much cheaper alternatives on the market if you want a hardware sequencer, like the Beatstep Pro, Novation Circuit, etc.

So again. I am not questioning the Digitakt itself. Its still an excellent Out of the Box device.
I am questioning Overbridge and why it exists, since I don’t see its usefulness in its current form.

Yeah, I understand your issue there, and I am with you on that. I had the same issue (twice, as I am using Digitone alot!) and am sad about that in the same way you are. I expected more from Overbridge, but as I am deep enough into technical stuff, I should have known :stuck_out_tongue:
I found my way around, because I have the same issue with all my other hardware gear. I move to either record stereo and try to be happy with the result, or record dry and apply FX in ableton.
And over time I found out, that I like that approach a lot. The Problem with wet signal is, that you are not able to change a lot without hearing it due to effects. You cannot just loop a sample without losing the Reverb-Tail. You cannot change parts of the sample without loosing parts or sometimes worse, have to live with stuff in the reverb/delay tail, that isn’t there in the “dry”-Signal any more.
So I write music with Device-FX and record it dry to apply FX in Live. If you know, that you have to do that, you start to just use the onboard FX as an idea of how it will sound, but will do the main FX tweaking in Live.

Well, as I hate to do music with a computer, I mostly perform the song into a stereo signal and just “master” it in the box.

What makes me a bit bitter though, is that they clearly overselling Overbridge and use misleading advertisement on their website to what it really is in reality. :frowning:

Overbridge is an award-winning software suite offering powerful tools when using Elektron instruments together with computers. For the first time in history, both analog and digital instruments can be seamlessly integrated with DAWs.

  • Fully integrate your Elektron instruments with DAWs like Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic, Bitwig, Studio One and others
  • Control Elektron instruments with dedicated software plugins
  • Stream multi-channel audio over USB
  • Affect computer audio with hardware instrument processing
  • Recall all instrument settings when loading a DAW project
  • Make your Elektron instrument function as a stand alone sound card

Multi-channel audio over USB, without saying that all applied FX, P-locks, LFO. etc is removed when doing so.
Same with Recall all instrument settings in your DAW. What’s the point if it gets completely ignored anyway.
Again with controlling the hardware via the VST plugins. Whats the point if it gets completely ignored when using separate audio channels? As that is the whole point of using Overbridge in the first place.
Affect computer audio with hardware instrument processing? How exactly? If it is what I think it is they mean by that, then you could do that already without using Overbridge.

this complaint makes no sense to me… why would each individual track have the master effects mixed into it? the effects on digitakt are via sends and one reverb etc is mixed into the master out… the effects never get applied to the tracks individually so what you’re asking doesn’t exist in the hardware even.

or am i missing what you’re saying…

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You are right if this is indeed the case. Hence my point about the existence of Overbridge, its usefulness and they way Elektron is advertising it.

So that is why I bring this up.

What is the point of Overbridge? What is the point of recording into separate audio channels, when all your work you did within the Digitakt gets stripped away?
Even ignoring the FX for a sec. Literally everything (incl. P-locks) gets stripped away and ignored when recording into seperate channels!

So really! All the excellent features what makes the Digitakt such a great instrument and superior sequencer, gets stripped away in Overbridge!

If you just look at what Overbridge really brings to the table, then all it really delivers, is the ability to record the 8 audio tracks “naked” into separate audio channels! That’s it!
Everything else that is currently possible, I can already do without using Overbridge!

So then we have to ask ourselves, especially Ableton Live users. Why would I want to use Overbridge at all? If I have redo everything inside the box. I can then just as well do everything inside the box anyway, without the Digitakt!

Like I said earlier. I am definitely not the only one who thought Overbridge would exactly be that. A bridge between hardware and DAW!
That I could work completely out of the box on my Digitakt, create stuff using P-locks, filter, FX, LFO, etc on each track. You know! Using all the great features that makes Digitakt great!
Then go to my computer, hook it up into Ableton via Overbridge and record everything in separate tracks.
As this is exactly what people have been asking for for years and hoped Overbridge would deliver!

This is clearly not the case and apparently not even possible!
So we are just back to square one, where we were before Overbridge. Just continue do everything yourself and manually record each track separetely without Overbridge.

Huh? P-locks aren’t stripped away when recording via Overbridge.

I feel you on the FX, but they’re send FX, and so there isn’t much you can do about that. I sometimes keep the FX track, sometimes not, depends on what I’m doing in the DAW after.


Yes they are. The only P-lock that is transmitted is sample change.

FX, Filter, LFO is not transmitted and completely ignored.

I have rigorously worked with Overbridge for over a month. Created a whole dedicated template in Ableton. Really trying to wrap my head around Overbridge. Really trying to like it and trying to find a useful workflow for it, but I am just about to give up…since everything around Overbridge is counter productive and useless.

The core strength of the Digitakt lies in it’s sequencer and advanced capibilities around that and that is the whole problem with Overbridge. All that core strength and advanced capabilities gets stripped away.

You are much better off, making a dedicated 8-track Ableton Simpler/Sampler template and just load the samples straight into that and work from there.
When it comes to sampling, its totally superior to Digitakt’s sampling capabilities anyway.

And if all that Overbridge does to the Digitakt than to turn it into a stripped down simple sequencer. Well you could already use the Digitakt as a 8-track midi sequencer in your DAW without Overbridge.

Something weird is happening with your setup or process, then. P-locks work fine with Overbridge.

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Ok. I will investigate this a bit more later today when I am back home.
Worst case I have to do a factory reset on my Digitakt and reinstall Overbridge.

As this is literally what frustrated me the most.

It’s still annoying with FX P-locks, since it’s a pain in the butt trying to exactly reproduce that via automation, as you can do some really cool stuff with on the Digitakt. Some of the great fun things I love about the Digitakt.
Though I don’t often do crazy FX stuff with it, so most of the time this is actually easily fixed with plugins, like my favorite from NI aka Replika. :wink:

But in all honesty, if all other stuff like the P-locks actually do come through and its just my Digitakt and Overbridge installation that is bugging out…then I feel a bit stupid :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugh lol. If it’s really only FX that gets muted… I could honestly live with that, if everything else actually works as it should!

No worries, man. Hopefully it works out and you can use OB :slight_smile:

On the FX, it depends on how much editing I’m doing after. Sometimes I’ll keep the FX track and then augment with other effects, but mostly if I’m doing a fair bit of editing editing in the DAW having the FX all mushed together on one track is no good, so I try to replicate with reverb and delay on aux channels and then adjust send amounts with automation.

For me its actually mostly the Delay I experiment a lot with via P-locks and such. You can do crazy stuff with it.
So that I would really miss, but like I said…honestly not the end of the world, if everything else actually works and comes through on each track!

The reverb I actually don’t use so much on the Digitakt, since I don’t like that much.

P locks work great for me. Just everything related to the fx units is gone when recording.