OT TRig Conditions (TRC) thread

Yes, thank you… as I feared. The problem I’m having with that is, I can only then put fill trigs in places where they don’t exist already, otherwise the non-fill trigs won’t play unless the fill is triggered.
Again, I’m sure I’m missing something,

thanks for the reply.

Workaround with microtiming :
Place a /FILL trig (non FILL)
Place a FILL trig just after
Hold that trig, press left / right arrow, change microtiming to - 23/384

It will be played almost at the same time position. You can also place FILL trig before.


Thank you, that seems somewhat messy, particularly when opening projects with this sort of workaround and trying to figure them out in the future, I imagine.

So thank you Sezare for the prompt reply, hugely appreciated.

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very clever, will need to remember that! with a carefully trimmed bit of silence on the beginning of a sample exact timing may also be possible depending on the specific situation

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Is this how I use/play sampkes with loooong signatures? Is there a way to trig a one shot 24bar sample every 128 bars? Or can i only accompkish this as a manual trig?

I think a combination of individual track scale and conditional trig. Scale goes to 1/8 and conditional to 1:8, so combined would trig every 256 bars, using 1/4 scale with 1:8 or 1/8 scale with 1:4 would be 128 bars. Don’t have my OT to test, in theory it should work but may be buggy as per this thread: TRCs and One Shots not triggering in Arranger with 1/2 Master scale but if so I’d file a bug report…

Probably more ways, such as the arranger…

He gets pretty saucy in this. This sh*t’s sugarsmacks, baby


Searched and can’t find anything, this thread is over 400 posts long so forgive me if it’s here and I haven’t seen it

Question -

OT scenes - can I set any conditional trigs that are only active when I am in a scene? Conditional conditional trigs I guess.

I guess technically one is always in a scene.

The simple answer is no.

But if you were to set a scene to xvol/xlevel and have conditions set that might be a work around? Depends on what you want to do…

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Thanks for the reply

Yeah I was thinking something like that would be the only way, unless I was missing something!


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I have OT, AR, AK
My question is: is it possible to set (for example) 4 notes, first one to play say 33% probability. And the following three notes to be played only if the first note plays.
So 33% of the time all 4 notes play.
Hope i could explain it right :slight_smile:

Yes, set the first trig with the condition 33%, then use PRE conditions on the three subsequent trigs. PRE conditional trigs fire if the previous conditional trig on the pattern fired.


Request: to have a note play every time EXCEPT the first loop, or second loop, or third loop etc…

use the “not first” trig condition, it is the one that says “1st” with a line on top


Thanks! Great feature :slight_smile:

Ill try that.

It doesnt read that way in the manual tho. So i never tried that one.

“ 1ST is true the first time the pattern plays (when looped).
1ST (with line)is true when 1ST is false. A trig with this trig condition is always active apart from the first time the
pattern plays (when looped).”

“to have a note play every time EXCEPT the first loop”

“A trig with this trig condition is always active apart from the first time the
pattern plays (when looped)”

these are the same

for loops besides 1st, you would need to sacrifice a trig before your intended note. set the earlier trig to 2:2 or 3:3 or 4:4 and plock only its volume to zero. the next “note trig” should be set to NOT-PRE (line-PRE)

edit: actually, I think I understand you now. sorry for the first half of my post. if you want it to skip “every first out of x loops” rather than just skip only the very first time the sequencer loops, you’ll want to do what I described in the previous paragraph, but choose 1:x (1:2 or 1:3 or 1:4, etc) for the first silent trig.


You got it! :+1:t6:

Said trig plays loop each except for loop X

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@phaelam if you find yourself in a bind about “sacrificing” the previous trig (e.g., you actually need some audible event to happen closely in time to the next event), remember that it can be any of the previous trigs in the loop (e.g., steps 1 through n-1 where n is the step number where this “loop-skipping note trig” happens) as long as none of the following trigs has a conditional lock (besides the NOT-PRE trig). and you can also microtime the trig before the “1:x” trig so that it happens within microseconds of that trig.

hopefully that all makes sense in text.

Fuck yeah! It does take a very long time to set a lot of them.

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