OT - sound quality

But there’s not much left to say, really, is there?

If that mattered this thread would be about 640 posts shorter.


I had the OT for about 6 years and you can read about what I would like to see in the future. It would be really interesting and something when someone did this test by using the same audio interface as I have.

Surely you could borrow or rent an Octatrack for a day, record the same mix through the OT and a direct loopback connection (so that both versions had the same generation of DA/AD through your interface and the Octatrack and cables were the only variable) and share the results. I’d be interested to hear that, sincerely.


Yep. Or at least put half of what’s been said here into the OT Feature Request or What’s Next for Elektron threads instead, where it bloody well should be already :blush:

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Could be interesting for here. I am also curious about time stretching comparisons. I’ll see what I can do or combine on other things.


We should really savor this thread, because someday a “sampler” is just going to be a helmet you put on with electrodes that scan your brain for exactly what you want to sample, in exactly the quality/character you imagine it. Conversations like these will disappear into history.

Oh who am I kidding, the next generation will probably be using the same OT in a new color scheme.


Or a flute, unless that is a vape :rofl:


It will probably just use cheap BACs (Brain-Audio Converters) from a mid-level smartphone from 3015 though.
Not the Samsung ones, they’ll sound great. :wink:


…this is a zombie thread…and that is a flute…

After owning the OT a few months, I realized this:

-Pro recorded content from Logic Pro (Apple Loops) imported into the OT can actually sound good if you set up an EQ in the 1st FX slot, instead of the stock filter, to correct for any changes.

-The OT distorts badly, in a non good way, when you feed certain synths into it. For certain applications, this is ok; but for real recording as done with a sound card, the OT will not capture certain nuances. (I have a MC-202, and I have to watch my levels otherwise the output will be too hot and distort in the OT. This distortion sound like crumpling paper; and it’s not user error - that’s just what’s happens)

There’s two tests one needs to run to get to the bottom of this:

-Import “professionally” recorded samples into it and compare.

(This tests the international amplifier and the dry signal path)

-Monitor your ‘fattest!’ analog synth into it and compare.

(This tests the input jacks)

All n all, I am happy with the OT after learning the EQ trick. Plus, I get 4-mono outputs by hard panning and using cue outs. A big plus - since these 4 outputs will go to an analog mixer anyways - but that’s besides the main point being debated here (flexibility goes out the window in this thread).

That is all for today!

Carry on…

Elektron needs to drop something new already so we can talk about how it sounds like shit instead of the OT. It’s a ten year old device and by my standards that’s basically “vintage.” Coloration is just extra flavor and what sounds undesirable today will be sought after tomorrow.


Every AD converter will clip and therefore distort horribly when the input signal is too hot. That’s just what happens, and it’s user error.


No disrespect intended, but that is absolutely user error. OT does not magically have a preference or dislike of “certain synths”. If your waveform in the AED looks like a block, it’s because you recorded too hot. If your waveform is not a block, and the output is distorted, check the gain staging of the OT, your mixer, interface, etc. Turn it down! I sample an arguably super-fat OB-6 all the time, and it sounds great.

This thread has been fun, but also makes me want to pull my face off. To be sure, the OT converters impart some (relatively neutral) coloration, but what machine doesn’t have its own sound? Is this real life? It’s the weird unsubstantiated claims like this that keep the myth of “OT sounds bad” alive on the web. Just learn to gain stage correctly, and enjoy the OT for what it is. Your samples shouldn’t be distorting. OT fidelity is fine. If you need something better, save up for a Kyma system.

Just my 2c. Carry on!


I could make a Stradavarius violin sound like rubbish. User error.


I don’t believe you. Can we get an audio A/B test?



This is just not true.
Have you ever heard a 2005 Apogee or 1998 Akai s5/6000? Even late 80’s/early 90s Akai samplers had a very hi-fi clear sound without too much colouring and lot’s of bass.

The Octatrack is just an average sounding sampler with below average converters and compared to Apogee and (earlier) Akai samplers it is very cheap indeed (in terms of price). The MPC4000 for example was IIRC close to 3000$ Which is double the price of an octatrack, which is reflected in quality of converters etc. If you’d stick in apogee like comverters in the octatrack, it would be too expensive.

It is acrually quite the opposite from what you’re saying. Lots of gear made in the last 10-15 years acrually sound less good than stuff before that. Especially samplers.

People tend to associate “old samplers” with just the sp1200 and mpc60 and Mirage etc. There were many more. From late 80’s onwards most samplers sounded pretty good and neutral. I’ve had many and the octatrack (mk1 and 2) was my least favorite sounding sampler for bass and drums. The pitching / interpolation is just really bad for my taste. And the filter and reverb. Just bleh on drums - bass


Here is the thread i talked about earlier.


I never said anything to the contrary of any of that, and I certainly don’t think the octatrack is the best sounding sampler ever, but I definitely think it doesn’t really matter.
Long posts like these are exactly why I don’t engage in these kinds of threads; how is any of that relevant to my post or what the octatrack is supposed to do? It’s a performance sampler that offers a different set of functions and tools to something like an akai or whatever other sampler you like the sound of. If you want perfectly clean sampling, or sampling with any color, flavor, or texture under the sun use one of the ones you listed, or better yet just use a computer! That’s what’s great about making music today; there are so many options and you’re allowed to have any preference you want. Threads like these are always full of people aggressively writing essays complaining that gear A isn’t more like gear B, when 90% the time it’s just comparing apples and oranges. When elektron comes out with an OT mk3 and it sounds even worse than the mk2 to your ears, get back to me.