OT sequencer stops unexpectedly

Did a factory reset, and made a fresh Project. The sequencer stops at some point still. Nothing else on midi even powered.

What to you mean by that? Nothing plugged, or just receiving clock?
Did you try with AR and OT only, AR master clock ?

OT standalone after full reset and a new empty project. Start the sequence and it stops within an hour or two.

Just to be sure: the arranger isn’t active, is it?

Correct, NOT active

Another user had the same problem and reported that it was improved by replacing the MIDI cable connected to the input of the OT:

Have you tried replacing the MIDI cable?

Swapped cables with the Analog Rytm, I’ll let you know.

Nope, still stops

Nothing plugged?

Just sitting here listening to my gear. The Analog Rytm keeps playing, and the OT stop light lit up for no reason. Nothing on the midi bus stopped but the OT. I have a midi monitor running in VCV Rack, and there is no stop event.

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As I said above, OT can be stopped by note A1 (audio track midi channels 1‐8 or Auto Channel).

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To extend on what @sezare56 already posted twice:

What seems more plausible: that your OT behaves differently than every other OT out there (stopping for no reason) OR that something is sending a stray A1 note? My bets are clearly on the stray note …

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Concerning below test I asked @mntbighker if nothing was plugged (midi in) but no answer…

There is no note sequencing of any kind happening on the bus. Regardless, I’m performing a test now with nothing plugged in but power. If there were notes going across the bus I think I would have seen that in the midi monitor window I kept running in VCV Rack?

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I don’t know this product but it depends on where it is in the chain. To verify, a midi monitor should be placed after OT, using its midi thru, or just before.

Thanks, after the standalone test is done I’ll see what I can rig up.

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I ran the OT all day, so presumably it must be the Nerdseq that was sending the spurious midi notes that stop the OT. I don’t have the Nerdseq sending anything but stop / start and clock. At least on purpose. The only midi OUT device on my bus is the Nerdseq. VCV has access to the midi bus via the Motu audio interface midi IN. If the Nerdseq is sending A1 to the bus you would think the VCV Midi monitor would record it?

Probably. AR can also send notes.

I would add machine one by one to deceipher who is the culprit.

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It was doing this long before I even had the AR. And the AR is connected via midi IN. The only midi OUT on the entire bus is Nerdseq.

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If you say bus, what do you use to generate the thru? A thru box? And does it happen also when connecting 1:1 without any thru box?

Just as an extra information for the readers, I enabled the midi send data sniffer in the NerdSEQ for @mntbighker so we will for sure find out if any unwanted data is being send from the NerdSEQ. It just has to happen again now :slight_smile: