OT limitations, is it worth it in 2020

Quick resample and you’re golden. Don’t let that stop you from picking up an OT.

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So can I hold down a trig an input a chord via keystep? Or do I have to die them in manually?

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Yes. OT will p-lock a 4-note chord to this step. However, it will also p-lock the velocity and gate length when you press and release the note. Easy to fix.

Continue holding down the trig and press the knobs for velocity and gate length to erase those p-locks and revert to the default values.

Or spin the knobs to set the velocity and gate length values you want. It’s all pretty fast.

Combine with the midi arp to quickly create bass lines, lead melodies, one-shot hooks and more.


I stand corrected. Whats the technique?


Another technique less track consuming :
Use a Flex playing CUE Recording, add microtiming to play it with timestretch on and pitch +12, Dark Reverb.

Send to CUE for feedback (used for Wild Shimmer example iirc).


Buy a Reverb pedal.

Seriously, this is a clever technique.


Amen. So true. The ability to INFER and EXPAND UPON what you could do beyond the obvious implications of a product’s feature set is often what some commenters lack.

“Honestly, if we all just learned to code, why don’t we all just code up our own products and stop complaining? With code you can do anything, right?”

“Why do I need SIX strings on a guitar? Why don’t I just buy an old SINGLE string guitar and multitrack it in Ableton…you guys are so old schoooool…blah blah blah”

Workflow matters to some. Yeah, the Nord Modular G2 is a perfect example. So effing graceful. I’d take it over Reaktor any day. It all depends on where the joy of music is for the individual. I love translating emotion into body movement and for me, that’s why I choose what I choose.


I can’t wait until 2025 when the OT has been discontinued and people are seeking it out for more than the original price, like has happened with MDUW and Monomachine.

I’ll still be happy with mine.


Knowledge dropped!


it’s funny to me how limitation is such a dirty word. have people not heard the phrase “limitations breed creativity?”

you want no limitations? get a piece of sheet music and start writing. real exciting, isn’t it?

“what are the limitations of this guitar?”
“well unfortunately it only has six voices of polyphony and doesn’t come with any LFOs or filters and the envelope is fixed with no adjustable ADSR settings. thankfully it’s pretty velocity sensitive though.”


actually i stand corrected the tone knob is a LPF

unfortunately it’s not modulatable and doesn’t have any resonance. i think i’ll pass.

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I think more to the point you don’t need infinite possibilities to make good music. Photek made this with a couple of emu ultras, an ancient version of Cubase and an old soundcraft.


One emu ultra gives near infinite possibilities, no?


Only in the same way you could argue a piece of paper has infinite possibilities.

H didn’t need to use infinite possibilities to make that track though. He just had a good idea and made good use of a few simple functions.


that’s deeper than space nine!

I think ive mentioned this about a million times…this will be one million and one…


was made by this…

it has so few options. its a piece of shit. but in the right hands, with innovative minds…


I think sampler usually don’t maintain the same value of a synth-

We will know in 10 years time if I was wrong, but I don’t think the OT will get a higher value when discontinued.

In the case of Machinedrum and MnM, they got so much second hand value after Autechre announced that they were using heavily these 2 machines in one album and they released for free some sysex to use with these machines

I totally disagree.
It can have 6x2 voices, a vibrato, tone as you said, pick for attack and palm mute for decay / release, pitch envelope per voice with bends… :pl: