OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Wow… As a latecomer to the OT (2016) I didn’t realise that there was a time when valuable features like that weren’t available! The only thing I recall that’s been added to the OT in my time is the Trig Conditions, which was a really pleasant surprise!

At first there wasn’t a manual either! It came with a quickstart guide though, but it sure was nice when the first full manual became available.


Just got this response from Elektron, when asking if any new firmwares are in the pipeline.

Pretty much echoes what’s already in this thread, except for a little bit of hope. “You never know” :drooling_face:


Supposedly there’s at least a bugfix planned…


(Could be applied to all…)

The ability to randomize and set the depth of randomization +/- , on trigs that have micro-timing enabled. To ‘humanize’ a little more.



Not ideal but did you try with 100% wet delay (SETUP DIR=0)and rdm lfo on short delay times? (fixed negative microtiming).


Ya, that doesn’t match the request tho.

What I’m saying is that on each loop the micro-timing would be randomized +/- by a value set. So let’s say +/- 1/128 each loop on that step. Shifty like a real drummer. Off +/- by only the slightest bit. But not by the same amount every time.

Anyways, just a request. An idea that popped in. Not “needed”.

That’d be an interesting implementation. I’d also love a Control All Chance like Model:Sample!

Maybe you misunderstood, maybe I missed something, but I think it totally does. It uses an lfo and an Fx though.

Negative microtiming, compensating a short delay, 100% wet, no feedback (Tape off?).
RDM LFO (Hold) on delay time, done.

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not looking for “sounds like”
prefect that it does what’s asked.

but its not important. my shits robotic anyways.

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I hope Santa Claus is coming to Octa-town :santa:
This would be nice under the :christmas_tree:
:green_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle: :red_circle:


Would it be possible to implement a new Trig Mode that would transpose the selected midi track’s notes according to the activated trig?

ie. if Trig 9 would be 0 transpose, Trig 10 would be +1 transpose, Trig 4 would be -5 transpose. Octave selection similar to the Chromatic Mode [FUNC + LEFT/RIGHT] would enable more scale to the transpose, of course.

I’m using a similar technique with my midi modded MC-202. The pads of the sequencer selected the transpose the incoming notes. C = 0 transpose, C# = +1 transpose, -C = -OCT transpose

Easy way of copy/paste samples as slices so that we don’t need to make a roundtrip by using computer-software to collate multiple files into a single sliced wav file.

I’d really love if there was a way in Studio Mode to route a track to a particular output in mono.

Obviously you could do this with Studio Mode, adjusting the Main and Cue Mix, and the Balance, but since it’s sort of possible, making it easier to do if you want to multi-track record from it would be a nice, and I assume low-CPU feature.

Haven’t gone through the entire thread to see if this has been mentioned but it would definitely make it easier to record.


Hard panning a track in OT and going mono into your daw or whatever you‘re recording to gives you a mono track recording.

Basic recording principle.

What‘s faster than hard panning a track?


Yes, but a Cue Balance parameter or Cue L/R assignment for each track would be great!
@hyperstationjr it has been mentioned for sure, maybe not in that thread after a quick search.

You can

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I guess with an midi controller keyboard and a midi processor we could use the transpose parameter on the arp page for transposition.

I should really get a midi processor…

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A what? :smile:

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Yeah, I said as much, but hard panning only dictates which of the two outputs the sound is sent to, you still need to adjust Main/Cue levels in Studio mode to be able to use all four outputs to do four-track recording out. And you’d also need to adjust reverb I believe to be mono as well and change those settings.

It would just be easier if I knew what specific output a track was going to, all of the track, instead of having to juggle three or more different parameters.

What I’m suggesting is basically assigning a whole track (effects and all) to be forced out of one particular output, with a choice of Main L, Main R, Cue L, Cue R.

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If there was only one more feature implementation left for the OT. I would be deeply grateful for an option to disable the “soft thru” behavior for midi.
With this option one could have Local Keybed enabled and still record the midi, but the OT would not send the midi out in realtime, only once the midi notes had been recorded. Thus no midi loops, but much more flexibility.

As it is now I can’t use my BCR2000 to control my OT with any of the midi note parameters (only CC). If I for example want to use my BCR2000 to step through the tracks, It sends the midi notes to my other gear at the same time.

As I don’t know the insides of the octa, this might be a stupid request because not possible. Then just ignore

I would love a super studio mode where you could use the inputs as extra outputs. 4 stereo outs would be awesome