Octatrack with just 1 synth for under $400?

Doesn’t look like the Microfreak has a 5 pin midi.

It does via the included adaptors 3.5mm trs to female 5pin DIN


Like the Monostation, or 0-coast, or Drumbrute.
A lot of synths today have such a solution. You need to take care that you dont mix those breakout cables between manufacturer.
If you take Circut and Monostation for example and pair them you can use a standard trs 3.5 one and plug them together. Easy peasy.


Yes, that is a good small synth! Love it too!


Just learnt something new!
(even tho i saw Loopop do it in the Launchkey MK3 video I never thought to try it out)

Now I can save a couple of Midi Din cables!


I built the cheapest synth for Octatrack. :sunglasses:

INABCD Jacks sampling challenge :loopy:


Well, this is on budget :smiley:

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Octatrack with just 1 synth for under $400?

Referring strictly to the title, hard to get a better synth and a functional Octatrack for the same price!
My 2 cents (synth). :content:

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Toraiz AS-1


Yep. It replaced my Blofeld, which has to be considered too, being multitimbral. A lot of possibilities with OT.

Micromonsta is monotimbral, 8 voices, with wavetables, supersaw, very simple and efficient mod matrix, arp, scale, better filters, half OT width, you can pair 2 or buy a Double Drummer, very light…
First record sequenced by OT :


+1 for the AS-1, all day

Why an AS1 vs a Tetra ? What is so special ?
I’d be interested in a Tetra, but I’d be more interested in a Pulse 2 “mono” synth (with paraphony) for example…

Yes I’m big fan of the Pulse 2!!! Good call.

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I’ll throw the Behringer K2 into mix that thing sounds incredible!!

Poly — but I’d still be open to a mono. I’d like to be able to at least record some chords (even though I suck actually playing).

That actually looks pretty cool, but I’d still need a controller. Thanks!

Possibly I should just get a midi controller like a Novation Impulse — Controller, plus I could always use the computer for some synths. ?

Octatrack can be a 8x10 CC (and more) controller! :content:
Micromonsta doesn’t really require a controller, (especially with OT). Clever quick access to main parameters.

Isn’t a Shruthi usually in the $400 range?

This is something what i’m looking for too. I’d like to have one bag for gigs which contains my live setup. It can’t be bigger then hand luggage size since i need to take it with me. So octatrack is obviously in the bag, desktop synth (i still don’t know what but thinking either micromonsta or blofeld) and let’s say strymons el capistan and delay DD5 and maybe small drum computer (not that important atm which one)

So size of the synth kinda matters.but here are my options

Behringer neutron
Micromonsta (out of stock but still doable)

What else do you recomend?

This is kinda musical direction i’m doing. So i’m looking for some atmospheric synth and i think neutron is not really best option in this case. Plus neutrons weak side is presets?
