Octatrack structure diagram

Hi everyone,

I’m new around here, got my first Octatrack a few months ago and quite in love by now.
Probably the consequence of a childhood spent to play Lego and listening to music.
In the same logical, algorithmic and procedural spirit I’d like to share with you a diagram I made of the Octatrack structure. I made it in the first place for me, to clarify my overview of this powerful but not straightforward tool. But as I also reaaaaally like diagrams, I just wanted to share this one.
Sorry for the pencil 0.1 version of this document, I’m really not used to Illustrator and so on.
Feel free to tell me what you think about it



viewed together with the one from the manual it should be even more handy to visualize the hierarchy with those details …

shown here for clarity (~ = limitless) :


Hi Avantronica!
thanks for the reply, but not sure what you mean, I’m not good at english.
Arf… sorry for that!

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It was just a link to a related diagram. Anyone searching for this info can now find both diagrams. Together, this may help the searcher understand the structure quicker. That’s all

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Oh right! Good idea!

Nice! Pencil always good :slight_smile: Have you seen https://www.dropbox.com/s/aymumvt5iyzuy2b/Elektron%20Octatrack%20Concepts%20Guide.pdf?dl=0 from @Olaf_Wolkenhauer btw? Via How to, Guide, Reference, Cheat Sheet, Tips, Tricks


Nope! I did a little research around diagrams and graphics of the OT but didn’t find this one. Thanks for the link

Thought I’d share this table depicting the OT structure (projects, patterns, parts, scenes). Having parts and scenes run across patterns is powerful, but confusing initially. I have omitted sets as these are trivial.

I couldn’t find this image when I picked up the OT over the last couple of weeks and created for my own understanding whilst reading the manual. Let me know if there are an errors or suggestions.



Thanks :pray:

Interesting. Not easy. Manual’s structure is not very clear.
I don’t like colors, vertical text / cells.
No need for scenes row, as scenes are in parts. Parts 3 and 4 are shown in scenes row, which is not logical.
Mentionning that Midi tracks settings (like Prog Change, channels) are related to part would be interesting too.


Update these two things and it’s a great overview.

Official one for reference:


I would prefer Tribalist’s picture when it’s comeplete. Don’t like the Elektron one.

Another very clear diagram : :loopy:


Concerning the structure, without the scene row, more important details concerning project (tempo for instance), @Tribalist sheet can be a good start.

The settings you change the most are in patterns and parts. Banks are just a way to organise patterns. You don’t change project settings all the time.

Not easy to include Arranger, because it concerns project, patterns and parts.

Do you all mean Scenes column?

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Yep. Lost in translation.

Visual learners unite. Those are great suggestions! I attempted incorporating, but it’s just as poor (below jpg); unfortunately my graphic design skills only extend to MS office (total corporate wank, semi-pretentious muso in spare time). ; ) If you want the og .xls file PM me, new users can’t attach.


Thanks for moving the conversation to include the first post by @clementroussillat , that’s a great diagram! I was frustrated the Elektron diagram did not display all the relationships clearly.

The next diagram it would be nice to conceptualise is how this structure can relate to song structures, including mixing between songs with parts.


Not finished. I want to make a simple version and a detailed one.
Color version too.


Not bad. Scenes are still missing.

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