OctaEdit - Octatrack Software Editor and Librarian [ OSX / Windows ]

Hi rusty
This new version of Octaedit looks amazing.
My understanding is that V1 won’t work on newer OSX.
Will V2 work on Catalina?

a) Should do. b) Should do.

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Amazing mate, I’ll let you know how it goes

Status Update

OctaEdit is available because cats keep asking for it.

OctaEdit v1 is “as is”, warts and all. I have not touched the code in a while and it won’t be updated at this point in time. You can purchase OctaEdit if you want, though I don’t necessarily recommend / advocate waiting for v2 whenever that might be (especially for Windows users)

OctaEdit v2 is a complete rewrite from the ground up. I’ve basically changed everything, more then once, due to functionality / enhancement / requirement changes; part due to Octatrack Operating System changes; part due to OSX / Windows changes; part due to language changes etc.

Don’t ask when v2 will be available; because I can’t answer that at the moment. (Treat it as v1 only, and v2 whenever it arrives)

The last beta I pushed out was v1.5.700 ages ago, with plenty of bugs/issues.

I am currently working on v1.7.055 right now, if enough people express interest in a new beta and doing some testing / providing feedback, I can focus on pushing out a new beta.

I have been busy working on v2; but have been dealing with personal issues, mainly medical, but also life, work and study that have been slowing everything down.

I think given the atrocious state of the world at the moment, it would be churlish of me to complain, given so many are worse off then me.

To quote Merv from Elektronauts “busy dealing with being alive in 2020”; I like that. Very apt.

Any questions, reach out and ask.

Where ever you are, stay safe and look after your loved ones.


Thanks Rusty look forward to it!

Hello Rusty,

…did the purchase anyway… where can i read about the beta? It starts, but I’m not able to select a set ( no dialog). The stable version works nice. Do you have a bug tracker?

cheers Björn

PM Sent @daphoenix303

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Hi nauts,
Sorry haven’t found this info at OctaEdit site, but still hope:
Is it possible to copy paste banks between different projects? Or is it v2 only feature?

Hello Sasha,

you can do using the project manager.



Hello Rusty,

of cause “to do testing” i could also support :slight_smile: i can still switch between Versions. Is it possible to install two Version in parallel?

Always been there, it’s the raison d’être of the Manager module.

If you want to copy/paste between different Sets/Projects; we use the Manager module; as it features the ability to re-map Sample assignments on the fly.

Banks can also be copied / pasted / saved to library / loaded from the Library module in the Sequencer module; but you don’t get all the sample mapping functionality there.

This is more for working in the same Project; or using templates when working in in the Sequencer module.

Not really install per se, but you can have two versions on the same machine; have to be careful with the options, settings etc, as I’ve changed all that around over time. Probably best to wait till I push out the next beta; which I’m working through a tricky chunk of code for at the moment.


macOS Big Sur

OctaEdit and OctaZip are not currently supported with macOS Big Sur (v11.0)


Octatrack OSv1.40

Just like everyone else, I am very excited by the new Octatrack OS release.

And just like everyone else, I have only just got my hands on it.

A new OS release naturally means I need to add the new functionality into OctaEdit.

And of course I will need to do a whole round of testing and checking of the OS personally.

OctaEdit is not currently compatible with Octatrack OSv1.40

I literally just got it the same time as everyone else and have only just put it on my Octatrack.

Remember; I don’t work for Elektron. I have no special communications or anything with them. I am not part of any early testing group. I am just another Octatrack user like you, and like you, I have just got OSv1.40 via the release email.

I will provide more information in due course.


One of my first thoughts upon hearing about the new OS was “Damn, guess that’ll push OctaEdit back a bit


Rusty you’re a saint and we all have a ton of respect for you. No rush, us kiddies got a nice toy from the Swedish elves to keep us busy.


Octatrack OSv1.40A

As per OSv1.40; refer post three above this one.


OctaEdit v2 & Octatrack Operating Systems

Important information / Advanced warning

OctaEdit v2 will only support Octatrack OS’s v1.40 and above.


Thats a good thing


:man_dancing:t4: :dancer:



hi Rusty,
I just got an Email to dl Octaedit v2, but when I start the dl I get OctaEdit-1.5.700.0-Setup