Novation Peak

I havent tried this, but theoretically it should work. If the filter is pingable that is.

Use a very fast mod envelope, set it to control osc 1 level. That should send a little bit of audio into the filter.

Just got a Peak a couple weeks ago and been loving it so far. Designing my own patches is far easier than on many different synths. However, to save some time I’m looking for a soundpack that would include some of the classic sounds. Think Oberheim, Juno, CS-80. There’s this pack by Luke Neptune that would’ve been awesome but it’s designed for the Summit (I actually thought they would work for Peak as well but it seems it doesn’t work that way around).

Do you guys have suggestions for Peak soundpacks that gravitate towards the classics?

Check out this guy’s patches, I think they will do the trick!


Awesome, thanks! Some of those patches are exactly what I’m looking for.


Thanks for the info! Those patches are exceptional! :slight_smile:


Yes, they are very well made and well played. Really show off Peak to the fullest!

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Another vote of thanks, great patches​:+1::grinning:


I stumbled across them looking at demos of Peak. There are definitely some gems there.

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At almost $50 Australian dollars it’s a bit too much for me but I would like to try them.

A lot of work has gone in to making those patches, they are worth saving up for. :v:

Its AUD34.04 if you remove Digital River’s curious Download Protection “service” from the shopping cart.

After listening to all of the demo videos and considering the author’s production pedigree I’d say that’s good value (if one can afford it, of course).


Fair enough, I’ve never bought patches before so don’t know how much they are. I’ll take a listen.


Just bought a “mint” Peak off Reverb (yay!). My first impression was disappointment as the value encoder is “sticky” i.e. there is varying resistance as you turn it, at some points the resistance is much higher than it feels like it should be (not smooth). I have tried turning it many times in both directions to loosen it up but no change so far.

The seller has apologized and offered $100 back (albeit in a very passive aggressive way). Not here to complain about that, more so to ask advice on what to do with the encoder:

  • anybody else have this problem? is there an easy fix?
  • if not, I’m guessing I should contact Novation support. Any experience about what that process would look like?

It’s definitely still playable/tweakable, just quite frustrating. Hoping to get this resolved soon and focus on enjoying the synth :metal:t4:

thanks for reading, peace to you all :honeybee:

I just hope it’s not what I think it is at first read. :joy:

Seriously, don’t you have a « money back guaranteed » on Reverb?

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Do contact Novation Support, they are very responsive and will help you.


I think the Peak has a sticky value encoder in general. I had a Peak (which I sold some time ago) and it was one of the first things that I noticed new out of the box. I even contacted Novation support who indicated that it’s normal. As long as the values aren’t skipping I don’t think you need to worry too much…

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On my Peak I would say the Patch and Value encoders feel pretty much identical.

I would contact novation - they are very helpful.

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Mine is not sticky at all :slightly_smiling_face:

Obviously the seller sold you a unit which is not mint and therefore for me a reason to return it without doubt. It should not be your business to take care of fixing this. If he is nice, apologizes and makes you a offer that covers the work you put in and happily pays the price for repair, you may do it.

But, unfortunately it sounds like he is not the perfect guy you want to make deals with, I would return it fast…, just my two cents though.


sticky or clicky…Value knob is stepped.


Both Value Encoder and Patch knob? The ones beside the screen.

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