Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

You can have 64 samples within the memory limit. Also the samples are per pack and you can store different packs on the sd Card and load them within seconds from the hardware without computer… it is really more powerful than the original in that regard

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Ok, thanks.

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The only thing that I find annoying is the fact that a pack is: sessions + synth presets + samples… So, no mix’n’matching a synth sound you like with samples from another pack.

In the components app you can swap single patches and / or samples from one pack to another and so on, it is really flexible. But not on the device itself, that’s true…

You can basically build your own machine states. And back them up easily. I was able to load my old packs onto my second original circuit, very convenient. Certainly easier than backing up my analog rytm For example…

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Respect to Novation for being up front about the issue. I wish all manufacturers were so forthcoming. (And got their USB audio working properly where it is available :stuck_out_tongue:)


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That is sad. USB audio would be great.
I guess Im spoiled by this OB thing. :slight_smile:


Novation says the same on the Rhythm web page:


I’ve been following this thread… and many here are underestimating this new Circuit! I think a LOT of cool tunes are going to be created on this thing…


So there’s no hope of audio over USB.

Honest question, but how do people in the OG get a track out of the Circuit to finish it in a DAW for example? Does it do stems? Do you have to be muting track by track and recording each one in the DAW?

I’m liking the Tracks, it looks to me like a great way to start a song. But I’m struggling to see how that would fit with my DAW workflow to finish tracks there.

@Calc is live.


The aesthetic of Circuits do not do it for me at all. Much prefer Elektron aesthetics


My expectations and hopes for a new synth/drumengine wasn’t met. Since this isn’t Microtonic in a Box either, i am looking again at other setup ideas. Roland TR6s with Dreadbox Typhon and Toraiz AS-1, sequenced by Digitakt/Toraiz Squid sounds like a good combo.

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700 AUD it is being advertised as, could pick up an MPC one for 400 more so its getting into that competitive range price wise. I think it is worth the price, but so much other gear around that can do similar functionality.

not thrilled about the look of the circuit tracks but imagine if that was an Akai force mini, I would pay $999 for that

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I think this is the trick with Circuit. Put in the work to get packs of synth patches and samples that you like. It just feels counter-intuitive for a device that’s all about immediacy.

Honestly, it’s never been that hard changing Circuit packs on the go, you could do it with an Android phone and an OTG adaptor. It was just creating packs that was the chore. Ideally I’d have my favourite synth sounds and different packs just for different samples.

My number one feature add for Circuit would be an extra page of the pads where each pad selected gave you direct access to each synth parameter via the 8 knobs, so you could have 32x8 or 64x8 or whatever. You’d need a cheatsheet obviously. And damn it would be nice if the same could be used just for sending midi CCs, pad 1 gives cc1-8, 2 is cc9-16 etc.


Same ways you would do it with OP-1 or MS or SP-404…

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Well it does have external inputs, and clock ins and outs.
So how about Circuit Tracks + PO Tonic?

I’ve considered this as well. Battery powered, portable. I have a 6700mah battery velcro’d to the side of my Typhon. Both Typhon and TR-6S are about the same size.
Problem (for me) is only one has an input (Typhon) and it’s mono, and has to go through the filter and VCAs so not really a good combo unless you’re okay adding a mixer (and you probably are).
Ugh. Wish the TR-6S had the input the TR-06 has. and the probability steps too!

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Thought she was playing that like an SP-404… checked the comments, yep SP-404 musician. :slight_smile:

I get more sp vibes from this, but maybe the circuit rhythm will have more of a vibe to its sound…the circuit tracks doesn’t have that sound imo