Novation Circuit Rhythm and Circuit Tracks

Looks like the Circuit Tracks doesn’t have USB audio… that would’ve been the clincher for me.

Sounds like me, I tried with circuit too. Dove in to components etc. Just never jelled with it.the interface is not good for melodic writing.

As a straight drum machine it makes more sense, so hold out hope for the rhythm…

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I love my Summit, and am a fan of Novation (I have the XL for Ableton along with Push). This is obviously something not targeted at many of us with complex, high-end setups, but hey, that’s ok! I’d love to get something like this for my teenager to just fuck around with. And at the price, it’s attractive for that. Frankly, I gotta hand it to Novation for putting out products at a range of prices/uses.

If I didn’t already have an MPC One I might consider this for couch noodling. Let a thousand flowers bloom…

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ultimately I do concur… just makes me want Elektron to hurry up with that digi mk2, model mk2, or somethin haha

I had the v1 circuit, i did like the engine but without editing its not fun for me. I would go for another digitone instead.

Exactly, and this is also reminiscing of the PO-33. If the workflow is as immediate as the pocket operator, it’s gonna sell like pancakes.


akai and native instruments.
And deluge

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So what we need is a high end analogue groove box :blush: only Sequential and Elektron in that segment.

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Had original one twice. This one looks neat with audio inputs.
Only thing they missed is having some sort of dumb mode so the unit could be switched to act as MIDI controller only for Ableton Live or other software.

they have Launchpad for that, why would they decrease its sales )

I totally understand this way of doing business but not every Circuit user will buy Launchpad and not every Launchpad user will buy Circuit.
Making device which act as both could potentially create more revenue and attract more users.
Circuit was already advertised as that one magic box with multiple use scenarios (in boundaries of it’s limitations).
I remember users on Circuit FB group asking for dumb mode to make it possible to use it with Live. Maybe it will be considered with this new model if there are any additional firmware updates planned for it.

The Two MIDI tracks are exactly dumb modes if you want them to be. Just use them within your software rather than connect them to a hardware device.

There are 8 sets of Macro Presets available and its an easily switch between them (just press the preset button to access them) so in total 64 knobs and… per track there’s 128 switches (well MIDI notes) that could be MIDI Learned in your software. You could even sequence those switches and automate the macros from Circuit Tracks if you wanted too.

Dumb mode is definitely in there if you want it to be.


Probably not the thread to start showing off about my Model:Cycles/Analog Heat combo, then…

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Pretty sure I’ll get a Circuit Tracks. I loved my OG Circuit.

Found another jam on reddit.

First jam on Novation Circuit Tracks in nature! 💦 from r/synthesizers

How Novation chooses which people receive units first is beyond me. Guess the content doesn’t really matter. Sent that kid Gabe Miller a unit ASAP and tell him you’re sorry for the delay.


clearly a matter of taste :wink:

You can chain sessions, Sessions are the Novation’s equivalent of Electron’s projects. Each session can have up to 8 patterns and each pattern can be up to 32 steps = 256 steps in total. Chaining sessions will work like a song mode, not exactly the same but it works.

He is like the most invested youtuber content creator of the circuit. Praising it all the time and creating tips tutorials soundpacks and so on

I have already downloaded the Novation Components software to check how things will work with the Circuit Tracks; ok here are my impressions so far:

  1. The Nova synth editor it looks super modern and intuitive to use it. The Circuit Tracks sound engine is capable at least on papers. The editor permits you to create easily your own patches and afterwards to load them into the unit.

  2. Loading your own samples into the new Circuit it is super fast and easy through the Novation’s Components software.

  3. The Components platform permits you to load 60 seconds samples in total and in the drum tracks only (not in the synth tracks).

  4. You can store different packs on the sd Card and load them within seconds from the hardware without a computer.

  5. You can customize its midi channels as you want (the pads and the knobs) to use them with other hardware gear or with your DAW.

I will get the Tracks because I love the workflow, and I will wait to see if the Rhythm worth to spend yet another 400 euro.

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