Nord G2 editor and its MacOS future

Thanks, i couldn’t find them in the AppStore. Here (The Netherlands) i can download them from the link from de support page. Thanks!

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I might have found a non-virtual machine solution for this. Yesterday, I thought I’d give Codeweavers’ Crossover a try. It’s essentially a paid and better supported Wine/Winebottler based system, I believe designed for getting Windows games working on other platforms.

Using the trial version, I got the Windows G2 editor running last night!

Codeweaver, will apparently binary translate 32 bit Windows applications, to work on 64 bit MacOS. If that’s correct, it’s hypothetically possible to binary translate MacOS 32 bit applications to 64 bit. Haven’t seen any system for doing that so far though.

Edit: Note - I don’t currently have access to my G2, so haven’t tested connection. Just the app running.


This is interesting!

I just downloaded the demo and installed the editor. Seems to work and looks good. Not tested with G2 connected, but will try this soon.


Ho ! keep us in touch :slight_smile: I have a G2 but did not upgraded to 64 bits OSX yet because of the G2 editor.

on a related note… some have got qemu running windows on the new apple silicone. (*)
so even moving to arm might not kill the g2 editor on macs, I guess, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

(its a shame that Nord never made the editor open source, so that the community could keep it alive)

(*) early days for this, but means there are hopes for the likes of wine on apple silicone.


I’ve also considered using a disassembler/decompiler, to pull apart the G2 editor, but it may be more work than I have spare time for.

There would be no shortage of support from the community if you decide to pursue it, that’s for sure.

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Well, if we wanted to head down that road, the best recommended decompiler seems to be - Hopper.

We could form a little group somewhere and have a look. I’m not an Intel assembler guy, but know other architectures well.


Maybe it’s easier to build upon this existing editor (but never got it working):


Following this with interest. I would happily drop a little money to be able to run the editor on my iMac !

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Some infos about the G2 USB messages

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I tried to connect my G2 with USB, but CrossOver and the editor doesn’t seem to recognise it. How did you got this working?

Sorry - I should have clarified that I don’t have access to the G2 hardware at the minute. I just got as far as getting the app running. May well be more hoops to jump through.

This is why I said that I might/may have a solution.

Ah ok, then i’m as far as you are :wink:
For now i stick to my Parallels solutions. Don’t have time to try with CrossOver, but if someone does, i’m happy to know.

Hi, I just want to follow up to say that I’m also trying to get the G2 editor working on an M1 Mac with Big Sur. I tried Crossover and, like the reports above, the G2 editor opens and runs but doesn’t connect to the hardware. The G2 Demo software does work (sound works, I didn’t test MIDI; I never used MIDI with the demo).

I tried this method to get the USB connection working, but it didn’t work, because there was no device entry reported back after running the diff ~/disconnect.txt ~/reconnect.txt command.

I guess I’ll have to wait for an M1 parallels and try that.

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Possibly worth throwing into the equation, that I got a VirusTI midi driver working on Big Sur. It’s open source. A modified version for G2 might be a piece of the jigsaw we need.

OK, I’m trying to get the G2 editor running with the new version of Parallels that runs on M1 Macs. I installed Windows 10 for ARM as a virtual machine, and then installed the G2 Editor and version 3.02.4 of the USB driver for windows. The editor runs, but doesn’t connect to the synth. However, I can see the G2 Engine connected by USB in the Windows Device Manager and I can not see the USB driver in the Device Manager. I don’t have much Windows experience, but I feel like the problem is that I’m not installing the USB Driver correctly? I run the installer and it completes so I’m not sure.

Any ideas or thoughts would be much appreciated. I would love to be able to keep the G2 alive on the new Macs and not have my old macbook sitting around just for this.

On my Windows 10 machine, I have to tell Windows to run the G2 editor in Windows 95 compatibility mode in order for it to work. I don’t know why. But maybe the same trick will work on Parallels? Also, I wonder whether the folks at Parallels support might be able to help.

(My current situation: I am waiting to see whether the G2 editor will run on Windows 11, which I’m guessing it probably will, and will then decide whether eventually to replace my fairly old Windows 10 machines with Windows 11 machines (in a year or two) or M2 Macs.)

I’ve been using Nord Modular G2 as the substitute of Nord Lead 3.
As long as you set up knob settings for parameters right, it can do 3op FM of Nord Lead 3 as well as 6 op FM without support from an editor. Make sure to jot down all the algorithms somewhere and you are good to go.
If you have the link to good G2 patches emulating Nord Lead 3, please let me know.

I couldn’t get it to work in the Windows ARM beta that Parallels required me to install on my M1 Mini. I think the problem resides in the Clavia Windows USB driver not being ARM compatible.