Nord G2 editor and its MacOS future

So, since Apple will be dropping 32 bit support at some point on MacOS, I’m wondering what the future possibilities for being able to edit patches for the G2 might be.

  1. Nord re-builds for 64 bit (not very likely)
  2. I hang onto an old Mac and hope it doesn’t die
  3. I manage to run 32 bit capable MacOS in a Virtual Machine
  4. One of the 3rd party editors become viable

Anyone other options I haven’t considered, or thoughts on this?

Switch to Windows.
It’s one of the reasons I switched back a few years ago as the G2 editor was unstable on my Mac.
Rock solid on windows

My experience has been the opposite.

I run the Windows version in Virtual Box on my Mac. Works fine.


A winebottled version of the Windows Editor has easily been my best experience with Nord Editing (G1) - I’m not sure what implications running programs within environments (Wine) will hold for new machines buyers, but it may still be a longer term option - perhaps a Windows XP laptop will cost next to nothing as a fallback


Is it even working for current OS? I have had no luck with Sierra…

you can get an old mac or windows laptop for $100 at lot’s of places. makes for a little less convenience ybut you can run your old OS and old apps for whatever.

im using g1 editor with winebottler , grabbed it from somewhere on the net already packaged up.
i guess it’ll work with g2 editor , and many more problems / apps may need a similar solution when apple drop ye olde worlde support.

i’m on 10.11.6 el capitan , an early2009 imac which is suprisingly quick now that its got an ssd in it.

I couldn’t get the WineBottler version to work on my Mac under Sierra or High Sierra. I ended up breaking down and buying a $100 Windows tablet that I can RDP into and control from my Mac. Works a dream and now I’m not terribly worried about the longevity of the G1 editor on my Mac.

Most people seem to use Windows or a virtual Windows environment on their Mac due to compatibility issues and stability with the software

It’s been working fine on Sierra and High Sierra.

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All - note that the subject line says G2, not G1! I think we may have some wires crossed! :slight_smile:


Wow thats owesome. No tricks and virtual machines used?

Yep. No virtual machines. Runs on High Sierra as-is. Never had a problem on Mac, since my first Mac in 2011.

I am specifically talking about the G2 though, not G1.


Same here: OSX High Sierra with latest G2 editor, no problem.


My G2 wasn’t stable on OSX when I used it on my Mac. Kept freezing.
Never had an issue on Windows, any version.
My G1 still works perfectly on Windows, obviously not on Mac

New MacOS, running an old 32 bit MacOS in a VM, might be an interesting way forward…?

great, thanks for conirming this

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The two-way midi communication is finnicky too and needs to be pretty solid. If you have problems running the wine-version on mac, try different (better) cables and definitely a better midi interface…in my experience the cheapest ones will not work w/ the nord editor.

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I have both modular (G1 and G2)

The G1 is working perfectly using Wine under Sierra. I am using the Elektron TM1 midi interface. It doesnt work with all midi interface . I think there is a version of the editor already packaged with Wine.

The G2 is also working fine for now on Sierra. If there is a problem im gonna try using Wine.

I’m not worried at all since Wine is doing a fine job and its a small price to pay to use the most powerful hardware digital synth ever made :slight_smile: