#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Me too. This whole group of people, is gonna help me actually do this. I don’t think I would have succeded, doing it on my own.

I know what you mean. I erased my main culprit app, and I still go for it often, to discover it’s gone.

I remember a kinda important moment, in understanding my gas, was when I realised, that I never have it, when I’m actually using my gear. And that would be the logical time, if I had a real need for new gear. It’s always when I’m not able to use my gear.


One of my big time sucks (and GAS prompts) is this forum, and in particular, either the “Your setups” thread or the “What have you purchased lately” or the “other gear” threads, in which I learn not just about others’ purchases, but specifically how they use their new shiny toys and then I think, “I wanna try that…” (ergo, this year, Cobalt8M, OT, A4, MPC One), all of which are the result of this forum, after I first bought a M:S and then found out about this forum!!! So, yes, this forum definitely gives me GAS.

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My mute list for the year ahead:

My only problem is the amount of people who ask about what gear to buy in General Discussion rather than Other Gear :slight_smile:


My plan differs.

I’m going to be like that prick who’s just quit smoking going around coughing at smokers. I’m going to be on all the “what gear” threads telling everyone they don’t need any new gear. Because people always want to hear that.


:joy::rofl: That’s fucking brilliant!


I’ve been to AA and other meetings to support friends and a partner so i get it, but i think i’d prefer avoiding those lengthy tent revival style confessionals and recitations in this thread as well to avoid it being taken over as yet another ”look at what i bought” thread.

Lol, i’ll have the time to build my Mogamis at least.


I think it’s simple.

We set up a thread, no-one comments unless they have let us all down, at which point they simply post the words I HAVE SINNED. Everyone else then has two hours to respond only with the word SHAME, followed by the sinner’s @username.


Sorry @username, didn’t realise you were a real person.


That sounds like a solid Geneva Convention violation, unless you do it in a private club and charge a cover fee.

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How bout anyone on the “no gear” list who buys gear has to add an extra 5% Elektronauts tax that goes into a collective fund, and at the end of the year we donate that money to an organization to keep music classes in schools or something?

That way you can sin and still feel good about it :sunglasses:


after making the decision not to buy more stuff, a certain amount of peace has settled upon me. looking at the latest purchase and new gear threads doesn’t hit my dopamine receptors the same way. now it’s like a

the other day, i started researching the mpc workflow, checking out mpc1000 prices, etc. seems cool, but i was left thinking “what can it do for me that ableton doesn’t?” so it ended in a question and answer session vs. further down some rabbit hole.

anyway, i’m serious about donating to some group. might even setup a local dns redirect for elektronauts, sweetwater, and perfect circuit, so any time curiosity strikes, i end up dropping some change in someone’s bucket.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have gone all of 2021 without buying any new gear. Every time I was tempted, I stopped to ask myself what my current setup couldn’t do, or if I had tried hard enough to push what I have further (for example, I’ve been gassing on a DFAM, but know that I have only scratched the surface on gritty FM drum design with the DN…until I push that envelope, I will hold off). My gear:


MPD 226

Ableton 10
Arturia V Collection (from 2018)
Guitar Rig 6

PRS SE Standard
Martin D-1

Focusrite Scarlett 18i8

That said, I do intend to get myself a Tascam Model 12, probably in early 2022, so won’t join in this noble effort. Looking forward to doing standalone recording, but also using it as an interface. Prior to the DT’s 1.30 update, I was pretty much always running a hybrid setup, but after I could route everything standalone through the DN and into the DT, I remembered how refreshing it was to just not turn on the computer and to just flip a few switches and jam away. I think the Tascam will extend this capability.

But you all also have to know:


That thread has been blowing up the last little while. As I can’t afford anything seeing the amount of shit people post everyday has been blowing my mind.

It’s gonna get real quiet for a bit.


Is it wrong, that I really like this idea?


I feel the same :+1:


So what is everyone’s last potential purchase before this starts then. The one that you really don’t need (we’ve established this) but because you have committed to not buy any gear next year, is now shouting “buy me, it’s your LAST CHANCE!” at you.

For me:


I see the point of this exercise is to try breaking these patterns, (at least in this thread) :slight_smile:

“What am I doing with what I have”
“What am I hovering over complete purchase on today”

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Indeed 100%!
I can’t be the only GAS sufferer thinking of doing this though… :slight_smile:


Nope! Just a nudge. A person can start whenever they like, of course. But perhaps we can at least keep this thread airgapped from the discussion of new purchases…

Discussion of GAS is fine, but perhaps less direct GAS expression if that makes any sense?

…that was not a fart joke.