#NGNY22 - Happy NoGear New Year!

Oh damn there’s a list! love the accountability here.

I’ll def skip the B Solina regardless then. Have too much B for my liking anyway (not to get into that).

I’m just assuming boring shit like cables, adapters, converters, etc., don’t count? I always seem to be in need of something so that could be difficult.


I’m in 100%

I am also adding the goal, for myself, to go from the remaining 11 pieces of gear I have down to 4 or 5.

I’ve also got an unfair advantage. I have no job and not much money left :slight_smile:


They don’t :+1:

Added! :raised_hands:

Even I am surprised at the constant cabling needs. I don’t have a massive setup and I must have miles of the things snaked away behind the desk!

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Nah, I‘ll keep hoarding stuff until the house is full.

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I’m in. Not sure I’ll make it through, but it will be fun to try!

I’ve recently bought a bunch of small things, am waiting for my SP-404 to arrive, and I also have a bid in on an auction at the moment (fingers crossed), so enough is enough.

It feels exciting to see how deeply I can learn what I own. That might help spark some creativity and I can focus on the EP I committed to in the other thread. I’m liking this.

Good luck everyone!


And to you! :slight_smile:

Added! :raised_hands:

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This is already helping. I just managed to not pre-order the Big Six. Well, that, and it’s three grand…


Yea, after that get a new house and call that: the minimal spot, just for balancing it all out.

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Alright I think I’m ready. Barring a special box that I’ve been waiting for RML to build me, here is my current setup:

Toraiz SP-16
Elektron A4 and DT
Roland JD-990 and TR-6S
Sequential Pro2
Waldorf Blofeld
Make Noise Strega and 0-CTRL
MFB Synth Lite
Boss DR-110
Soma Ether
6U 104hp of modular (including Moog DFAM and Behringer Cat)
Arturia Keystep
Alesis Midiverb II and Quadraverb GT
Retro Mechanical Labs Jekyll n’ Hyde
Korg Monotron Delay
FMR RNC1173 compressor
various shitty pedals
Behringer RX1602 (for monitoring) and PX-3000 patchbay (for recording)
Mackie MS1202 (pre-VLZ) and Big Knob passive
JBL 305p MkII and IK iLoud Micro monitors
Tascam DR-05 and Marantz rackmount cassette recorders
Numark TTX turntable
Maschine Mk2 controller
Macbook Air with Ableton 10 and LG ultrawide monitor

Wow that IS a lot when you see it laid out like that :roll_eyes:

It’s hard to justify anything else being “needed” for the kind of music that I make. Might try to sneak in a guitar (as a noise source) before the new year…

So anyway @Joebas I’m in.


I have a SA Collider coming (to replace the great, but noisy NTS-1) and I am done!

Sort of liberating to think I don’t have to make anymore buying decisions, or watch anymore gear YT


There’s gonna be a whole load of Elektonauts with a lot of Gucci cables this time next year…


Will there be a “fessing up” (crying wall) thread if we fail and buy something?

Edit: BTW, I am not planning on failing, but being a person in long-term recovery (from alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc.), I do have some history with relapses, so just sayin’.


And you are added! :raised_hands:


I think I will make a new thread, with all the name of the participants, when we get to January, and that will be the place to confess sins. But you’ll go all the way! :muscle:


All the way to the music shop


It’s a funny thing, with “addiction” (GAS), knowing there is a place where you (really should) go to acknowledge a “relapse” can actually help you stay the course. I am being somewhat tongue in cheek here of course. Although, I do actually take my commitment to this seriously and am very glad you’ve started this thread.


Not gonna lie, lately I’m gassing way more for knob replacements for eurorack modules than for eurorack modules themselves. :woozy_face:

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I am in the list, but I already see how difficult this could be. I mean, one of my time-waste activities is to check the second-hand webpages to find some good deals, and eventually buy things that I didn’t know I need. But now there is no point in doing that. So I feel more bored than usual xD. Most of the times I don’t buy anything, but still…