Sorry couldn’t resist just a break from all the speculation going on about the upcoming Elektron release.
Nice. Did you do this yourself?
Styleflip? NIIIICE!
Hmm, maybe not, looks custom?
I actually like this. A lot. Has a very clean classic asthetic to it.
Very nice.
Thanks PlayRecords my own design
That’s awesome!
I wish mine was like this one!
isn’t t just more nice looking, but also much more readable n low light environments (aka: live acts that are what’s this machine is sopossed to do)
Amazing job!
That looks really nice. Like a tr707. Do mine too!
That’s funny I call it “76 CLASSIC” I Love Chuck Taylor Coverse and Pro-Keds
I was going for a Virus TI Polar look at first.
Thanks !
So is it painted/silkscreened, how did you do it?
Thanks !
Thanks I know its all about the music in the end but I like to be “visually inspired” as well.
Thanks for the amazing comment !
I was thinking about an 808 at one point, but a 707 wouldn’t be a problem.
Let me know when you’re ready !
Yes painted and silk-screened. Its a white base with pearl and a clear coat
Thanks !!!
Very impressive, what kind of paint did you use - are you planning on offering this as a service? Might have a good market for A4 paint jobs
Wow ! absolutely gorgeous
I guess it was lots of work ?
dear god whose dick do I have to suck to get a white Octatrack??
Seriously, that is incredible. f styleflip, take my money already! My warranty is up in about two months, after that she’s ready to be cracked open and abused so delightfully.
If you want to keep that clean as all hell white to yourself, I understand, and I am down with another color
I assume you strip all the existing paint off first?
P.S. I wanted to f’ing stab you for playing what I immediately assumed was a joke on us until the awesomeness of what you have done dawned on me lol