Elektron prototype images?

i like the grey octatrack, think white would be pretty classy, but difficult to keep white

I have an old MD flyer from 2001 or so, showing some early sketches. Remind me to scan them one day…


Yeah the charcoal Octa was nice.

Those Teenage ‘Audio’ shots are wicked! The screen looks somewhat familiar but I can’t seem to place it, lol

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only 150 views!

Custom white Octatrack

i think grey would’ve made sense as the octatrack is in-between the old silver boxes and the new black boxes in terms of functionality and features.

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one day…could be this?

Shit, had not seen that before. That Octatrack and that red MD are sweet!

From the Elektron product sheet vault.


Yes! That’s the one I have in my “archive”…

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Haha, sweet! Have to say I’m glad “Chrysler Big Boy” didn’t win the design competition. :wink:

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I find 'em verry nice. A 70’s look, i would like mine design like these ones… really

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Shit, had not seen that before. That Octatrack and that red MD are sweet! [/quote]
Seriously the red MD looks incredible.

You can see a lot of mixed design ideas from the MnM and SID. The table top one looks like a beefed up SID Station.

Most of the time when you look at lets say car prototypes then see what they released I am generally disappointed by the end design. In this case I do like how the MD production box turned out.

Really the Chrysler? The only way that design makes sense to me is if that was suppose to be a sort of modular unit. But a digital drum machine in a modular rack? Not sure how people would have taken to that.

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the grey Octatrack prototype still shows up on some retailers websites and on ebay lol.

I wonder how different it is compared to the one we have. I think it’d be awesome if it was, say, Dataline’s personal OT (which it’s not, of course). At the very least, someone at Elektron should be giving it love!

Of course, I have this romantic idea in my head of someone using a fully prototype Trinity that has experimental capabilities not available to the mainline machines lol.

I used to have a MnM (actually I’ve had two, but that’s another story), and it was a Mk 1 that I bought used. In the original packaging as well as manual etc, was an Elektron promo flyer.

I don’t have it now as I put it in the box when I sold the MnM, but I just found photos of it that I took. It’s quite intriguing to look at in retrospect, especially the item labelled as ‘Teenage Audio’. I’m not versed enough in Elektron history to have realised there was some kind of link between Elektron and TE, but it certainly looks like there was one :slight_smile:


Nice find!

I think Jesper Kouthoofd of TE used to do some of the graphics for Elektron. Possibly their logo/branding as well. I think there’s a connection with the design arm of Acne who were also doing things like Netbabyworld around the same time. You can see a lot of similarities in the Netbabyworld graphics, though there’s not much to be found online these days.



Really cool, I think they might continue to endeavor that modular concept.

“ahead of time” springs to mind.