NAMM 2018 - News, Announcements hopes and rumours

i’ve always wanted 5 ipads and a keyboard. yawn… that thing looks annoying. it’s like CSI NAMM Synth. Zoom and enhance while turning on the hyperdrive… beam me up scotty!


Hey G.S., saw this too, the NAMM 2018 topic is getting a little unwieldy.

I really really like the little i hear done with this thing, it’s only by Mark Verbos so far, but i get the impression from that, that this has to be carefully controlled to do things live – or in a studio, with 16 takes – or under extensive CV control. It has ‘sweet spots’ in performance, but sometimes Mark seemed to be struggling a bit.

I have been thinking about this, wondering about other things like it, or what could be done like it with some of the customizable hardware that have become available recently.

My first thought went straight to the bridge of the Enterprise… :slight_smile:

Oh damn, I managed to miss your earlier post.

I saw the video in which Mark Verbos stated that he intended this module to be an integral part of an overall patch, rather than a processor near the end of the signal chain - I guess he was trying to avoid comparisons to the Strymon module.

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Not really new as of NAMM 2018, but nice to see video of it in action.

This is my top crush as far as new analog polys go - got MPE, poly aftertouch, USB, optional expander w/ 16 CV inputs and analog FX, etc.


I know tape delays/emulations are nothing new, but I’ve half a mind to get just this module to run in the OT’s cue fx loop. I have never owned modular, but this is the take away from Winter NAMM for me.

Edit: And the Darkglass AO Ultra :smile:


Why are his glasses over his ears like that?

Also the synth sounds lovely.

New Behringer synth is starting to look pretty ace:

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Oh man analog is so like … 2017
Behringer are way too late to that old party

Looking forward to picking up a Jupiter 8 for $20 now that analog is officially over.

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I own modular and I can hardly resist this. Just wow… now I have to find the hp’s for it… :smile:


No chance.
That’s an original, not a cheap clone

Maybe Elektron should create an audio mixer like the Aira mixer MX-1 :cb:

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The new Behringer analog synth isn’t a clone of anything either…

Sorry, I just presumed :joy:

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Very cool! It’s shit like this that makes resisting eurocrack incredibly difficult!

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Yeah and the Tip of it was ImHO the DSI P6/OB6. Now digital Synths will become the next new thing. First signs are the open source Oscillator on the new Korg Prologue. Next Namm 2019 will be all about FM.

Perhaps NAMM 2018 is the Year of the Semi-modular.

Behringer Neutron, Moog DFAM, Arturia MiniBrute 2, …, somebody help me, there are more,

Good video link lemons!

ADDED: Pittsburgh Modular Microvolt 3900, SSF Bantam, Radikal Technologies Delta CEP A, …

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"Hello! I’m Steve from Behringer happy to show you the Neutron. We were originally going to call it the ToHellWithArturia, but we found that Neutron has a better ring to it. These things will be shipping out soon. I don’t have a price to tell to you today, but I can tell you that we’re planning on selling these for about 30-40% less than the new Arturia mini brutes "