NAMM 2018 - News, Announcements hopes and rumours

May i add a few exclamation points to that too Naqualizer?


The Dark Energy 3 is nowhere to be seen on the Doepfer website :confused:
aaaand it has no square wave VCO…wtf?

Middle position of waveform switch for square wave on previous version (mk1 at least) might be same here.

I got the info from this German website:

One difference between its predecessor is a different circuitry. The oscillator doesn’t need to warm up to be stable. There is a broader frequenc spectrum. The LFOs have a retrigger cv Port.


Dat new EHX looper tho.

I don’t own any of those, here is short translation of the original statement:
One difference between its predecessor is a different circuitry. The oscillator doesn’t need to warm up to be stable. There is a broader frequenc spectrum. The LFOs have a retrigger cv Port.

If you want more infos check this link:

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This thing?


A DAW in a box. Electro-Harmonix stuff is always a lot of fun.

I like that they pulled some average Joe out of their financial department to do the demo.


There’s also a Bill Ruppert demo of the same box:

Listen to the panning in this demo. This thing is awesome.

I bet EHX is setting a good price on this too.


550 on that looper. Tempting, but I’d have to sell my OT. So nope for now. And dang, EHX could own the looper market for the rest of time if they would put some of their gnarly FX in that loop box


No kidding man Id love something like this with ehx effects and maybe a built in battery too!

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I read through the manual. All loops are locked to one length. frowny face.

…man it’s tight. iam using the 2880 twice. I got 2 of them plus foot controller.

this thing is nearly 10 years old but kicks all the loopers on the market and EHX has ever build on that 2880 concept. the 95000 got the same structure, combined from the 45000 unit and the foot controller.

again…the 2880 records 31 minutes of audio on a 1 gb CF card. fully midi controllable via Digitakt for instance.

tempo control, panning,volume, reverse etc.
all p-lockable!!

…iam recently using the Digitakt just as a looper by pressing the sample shortcuts in time and voila if your timing is good you can just put a drum loop and use it like a clip. make sure loop is on and release on INF.
peace. waiting for the op-Z.


You should contact Electro-Harmonix, this product is brand new so they’re likely still in a sw development phase and would be open to suggestions.

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Birds chirping around here in Western NC…
Moog Poly.
Multiple versions/voices, possibly Poly aftertouch/MPE
Gonna be out of this world :space_invader:

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Pittsburgh Modular teasing a monosynth


Sonicware ELZ_1
It looks OP-1 inspired and some audio demos are up on their website


Is it wrong that the unveiling of this thing makes me realize I want neither this nor an OP-1.

I guess it’s sorta like a cool party and then some loser arrives and now the party doesn’t seem cool/fun anymore…

Sorry Sonicware


Moog Poly 2 versions. Similar to DSI/Korg for 16 or 8 voice… its trending and they havent released a damn Poly forever.

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Erica synths new drum sequencer next to a crazy8beats