MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 1)

Thanks! I just tested this by downloading a free 808 kit from SfM, and indeed the .pgm file loaded onto the One perfectly!

Iirc MPC maid make programs and is free.

HA…I just loaded the Autechre .PGM files in my Live. they…“werk”?
I have no idea what I’m doing with it. but it plays noises…and sounds right-ish. dunno if I can fuck up my machine doing this tho :expressionless:


seems to be a good update, i guess i need some usb.cables

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Try playing them along to the MD and MnM sysex videos on Youtube :slight_smile:

I have MD and MnM…I think I’ve figured out the MPC files.
im gonna hook it all up properly and see if I can get it to werk and im gonna throw my Peak in place of the Nord. see if there is any midi info that’ll go to it and put whatever sound to pick up that spot.

ha ha ha…as said, I think ive figured out what all the MPC shit is and how it werks. there’s no FX, I think that’s cut of the JJOS reqs. but im gonna try anyways ha ha ha ha…

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Unfortunately MPC cannot read legacy AkaĂŻ CD-ROM format.
I wonder if and when new MPCs would be able to read legacy cd-rom iso images or with connected usb cd-drive ?

I kind of doubt it - pretty sure the last Akai machines that could do that were Z4/Z8/MPC4000. I have used the free Chicken Systems Translator to do some disk manipulation on Akai/E-mu/Roland disk images but YMMV

Looks like it doesn’t do .ALL either.
Loaded the Ae sysex, and the sequence.ALL doesn’t arrange all the samps and stuff.

Oh well.

Anyone in Vancouver have an MPC1000 with JJOS1 they can lend for a few days :slight_smile:

this updates now looks like something to be excited about - still wondering what this means in the announcement:

With MIDI Multi support for class compliant USB MIDI hubs,

will that mean that midi has to go through USB from the MPC to the hub/midi router and multi midi only happens through the USB connection? (and not DIN midi?)

Din midi will also work. You’ll be able to route any midi input to any track or output…

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ty - then I am excited indeed as I take the MPC out of my midi chain time and again because of the lack of control over the midi stuff… . very cool

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after months of talk and rumours, the comet about to impact Gearslutz

The added speaker is of zero use. And it makes me feel like it could compromise the build.

There’s no basis for thinking that but It’s going round in my head.

Vids seems to have disappeared

But yeah, the speaker thing, not just on this but any synth/ groove box/ whatever, seems absurd to me!



So what’s the improvement? Just the speaker and cv outs?

plus some more buttons

Ok I see five more buttons.