Monomachine second hand prices gone way up!

these are all closed sales on Reverb:


Oof, someone just undercut them by £100 and it’s for a MKII. Interesting :thinking:

Gonna get rid of mine if someone wants it that badly

…they ARE pretty though, aren’t they? :slight_smile:

I was this close || to trading my Red SH101 or MC 202 for one of these machines.

I stopped and thought wtf.

Immediatley usable sounds that are track worthy as-is, vs tones that need work to get to sound good.

Feature wise, they are different - but one is classic, the other is… (add your option here those that have one)

monomachine isnt a classic?

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Anybody else think it has the best interface of all the Elektrons?

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lol @ this goofball :rofl:

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Some usability hang ups thanks to the up/down page select hold over from track dial of MD, not nearly as quick as those dedicated buttons that came after it on other elektrons.
So yea, it’s debatable. It has its charms, though.


That triple tap is a usability problem for an Octatracker, or anyone, really, as evidenced by the fact that Elektron abandoned it.

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triple tap better or worse than needing to hold down [Function] to access half the features…? :thinking:

This is a good machine, but 2000€….
Really not….
If someone want to pay that, it is most probably in a gas period.

Got the MD MK2UW+ for 700€
Got the SFX60+ MK2 for 700€
Still use it sometime for nostalgia.

I don’t think those two worth more than that honestly.
And when I use the DT and DN, I don’t feel that Elektron took the wrong road.
Différent machine, différent tone.
But the fixed 64 step without pattern scaling, the value between 0-127 without sub decimal number is really annoying on the SFX60. It make it’s charm but it’s a 15 years old digital product.

I would say the MD has something specifically on the retriger to create some really weird electronic landscape. And I would really like Elektron release newer digital sound generator. Not something FM. But things which use the MD philosophy.


They have moved into collectible status, demand and supply.


The page buttons are horizontal instead of vertical like the M. Elektron decided to abandon the dedicated sequencer for the ampFilterLFO which makes the Monomachine special.

Now I’m Curious if there has ever been any Elektrons going for the prices New or used!

Not mine - good price for a collector maybe?

Prices for the keyboard version…3000€ in Berlin…
Unused in the original box.

Synthesizer are now the collectible toys for the rich?

Elektron…soon at Sotheby‘s.


Edit: pretend I replaced the Ohio flag on the astronaut’s arm with the Moog logo or something.


Means that all the synths I own now will be a pension investment when I retire in 17 years…


2000€ (Almost too cheap?!)
Would not buy without PayPal…

Is this the appropriate place to vent about not being able to find a used MnM+ for under $2k?

For real though, who’s buying these at over $3,000?!