Monomachine second hand prices gone way up!

Some time ago I purchased a second hand MnM for a little less of 1000e… that I sold some months after for the same price because of me not really understanding what I had under my hands (I was relatively new to making music with hardware). No need to say I really feel stupid for not realising what I got… Now I looked at Reverb just out of curiosity, as I really came to appreciate the MnM as I have learnt more about hardware and electronic music and 3000€ is the new normal por the Mk2 units… d’oh!

Elektron would be fool to not acknowledge the demand for this type of deep modular, complete instruments in itself, grooveboxes…

put a penny in a jar every day instead. you’ll have enough money saved for a used MnM before B make one.


you’re missing the point: B aren’t making one. likely even Elektron won’t because they basically can’t, without basically starting from scratch. and they already have the original source code.

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yes exactly. that’s why I said they’d basically have to start from scratch. they’d have the original code and algorithms already though. and could test everything against them. HUGE difference versus B taking a stab at it. and nowhere near what it’s like cloning a circuit. just take an analog synth apart and you can see every detail of how it works, if you know what you’re looking at. not so with a digital synth.

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IP protections on the code mean that they’d have to spend actual money into R&D and for that they’d just make their own new synths (which they aren’t.)

It doesn’t make sense.

Life doesn’t have to make sense.


didn’t they struggle with getting the basic sequencing code working for the RD-8? and they’re gonna add parameter locks for every parameter, trig conditions, micro timing shifts, plus an entire DSP generated sound engine…? have they even done any digital synths yet?

anyway, I don’t see it happening. maybe someone like Teenage Engineering would revive the concept. that I could believe.

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Business strategies do.

They could do their own VA engine but they wouldn’t need to steal someone else’s IP.

They’re in it for money, they clone because they find cheap DIY plans or existing schematics which don’t work with new digital.

The idea that they’d devote so much money to not making much money or risking easy DMCA violations over their reverse engineering is silly.

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Lemme clarify, something similar to the MnM, not an exact clone like they’ve done. Regardless, it’ll probably never happen & It’s not a real concern.

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They did something similar to a Juno-106 with the Deepmind, with some extra bells and whistles which did amount to original code, but really just menus/UI. It’s a long, long way from that to even one synthesis machine from the MnM. And since then they’ve just done straight analogue clones so I imagine Uli wasn’t a fan of the R&D investment vs return of the Deepmind.


I mean they repackaged Mutable code and added a few basic models*, that’s close? But not the same scope and complexity.

*I think? Maybe that code came from another project too.

If you are patient and lucky you can still grab one MKII 60+ for something like 2200-2300. Those for 3000 are just hanging there with little success. MnM still didn’t hit the 3000 mark. So if you wan’t to try, then go and hunt.

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What do you guys think an excellent condition MnM MK1 with the box and all that should go for?
I’ve been keeping an eye on sold auctions but haven’t been able to figure out a price that’s fair for both the buying and seller. What do you guys think?

I sold one way back for 450. Tears!

No idea on price these days - I could do with having a similar estimate on my MK1 sfx6 keyboard edition.


Few days ago I just bought MnM MKII+ for 2300. That was amazing occasion, but I was just patient and checking for the opportunities few times a day.

But, to be honest. After first two hours spent with this machine I wasn’t amazed by the sound. Compared to first two hours with Digitone, the later sounds much cleaner, bigger and more “professional”. I know, whole era of difference between the DSPs and things like that.

I will give it a time obviously, but if the love will not be there I will just let it go.


I was also highly interested in the MnM after snagging a MD UW locally at a great price.

Then I happened to come across an affordable Digitone - and although it does many incredible things, and is an incredibly useful tool, I couldn’t gel with its digital filters.

I’m more used to the subtle analog distortion in analog filters, and I couldn’t quite emulate that on the Digitone.

Think of a creamy 101/202 filter - that’s what I dig - so I am no longer interested in paying a crazy amount of cash for a MnM.

A few weeks ago I was crazy desperate, but now I’m chill n’ content with my 101/202 - combining them with the SRR FX on the Machinedrum adds an incredible lo-fi grit to their classic sound.

:- )

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I don’t think it is worth buying for the sound or features at current price, but as a collection piece it is. Depends on your angle.

If you don’t like the sound of it, please start a thread about the “Monomachine sound quality”
If it catches on maybe the second hand prices will go down soo I can upgrade to an MK2 without paying out the nose😮


There’s plenty in of these threads going from the old Elektron users forum right up to about 2017. In the last few years all sorts of people decided that it’s the best sound ever.

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