Model:Cycles Tips & Tricks Thread

Thanks, good to know . I really appreciate your time .

Do you know if that is possible on the octatrack, too?

Yes, it’s on all Elektron devices. I think the combination is FUNC+L/R arrows when in grid recording mode.

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nice! Thanks!

Does anyone know if there’s a way to apply parameter automation recording to global (i.e. hold Track button + turn knob) control changes? I find this method to be a really fun way to “live shape” the overall sound of the M:C, would be amazing to be able to automate them.

Additionally, is it possible to get MIDI cc output from these global changes? (Would be cool if the global controls had their own MIDI track/output, but alas that doesn’t appear to be the case.)

Thanks !!

I’ve seen it asked in a couple of places, how can I easily re-organise the factory samples in the M:C. The problems being (1) the transfer app does not expose the /factory folder and (2) you can’t move preset files conveniently, so if you want to have a folder of, say, bass drum sounds which is a mix your own and say 10 from the factory folder, it’s not terribly easy.

It’s not too hard to figure out, but to save effort, here it is. You need the transfer app AND a ‘sysex app’ like C6 or sysex librarian.

Step 1

On M:C, in Plusdrive folder /factory, folder by folder, send the folder as sysex to your ‘sysex app’

Step 2

On M:C in new folder (maybe factor2) on Plusdrive, for each sysex

  • create receiving folder (SY, BD etc)
  • navigate inside that empty folder
  • send the corresponding sysex (using your chosen sysex app) to the M:C and the presets will land in that folder

Step 3

Copy your new folder (factor2 if you followed my suggestion) to your computer using transfer and re-arrange the 512 presets as you wish.

It may need pointing out that these files (the sysexs and the preset files generated from them) are, I think, licensed to you by Elektron, so they should not be shared. (That’s my understanding at the moment)


I suppose a workaround for different glide times would be to set velocity to modulate the fade . Would this work ?

I know this isn’t a solution for everybody but i hooked up my DT to my M:C and set the CC’s to control the Fade and reset on the LFO for the Cycles and it has opened up a whole new world of performance for me on this thing being able to control the fade and LFO rate alone is awesome.

A boring but time effective tip if you create a lot of presets and want to rename them fast, is to hook up Cycles with the Transfer app and create a folder structure like @bibenu mentioned (if you don´t have it already).

When you have created a preset on Cycles, go to the preset menu and just save the preset with the default name in the right folder. Jump over to the Transfer app, right click on the preset you just created and choose “Rename”.

This will save you from joggling in a preset name on Cycles every-time you want to save a preset or overwrite the current one.


I managed to create a pure noise source with the tone engine that can be useful to layer drums. Preset attached here

Pitch: 0 (+24 for brighter noise and -24 for darker noise)
Decay: 32 (adjust to taste. Short decay below 8 for drum click)
Color: 15 (grittier at around 1 and below)
Shape: 127
Sweep: 127
Contour: 0 (higher settings makes it more lo-fi/grittier)
Volume: 80 (higher for snappier sound)
Punch: off
Gate: off

Wave: Random (last one)
Mul: x2k
Dst: Pitch
Depth: 12.0 (affects the sound if changed).
LFO setting: 48 but doesn´t seem to affect the sound.


This trick can be used to build a 4 page Track/Pattern, from multiple 1 page patterns…

Page - Copy, Paste, Clear
To do these operations, you need to be in Grid Recording (play or stop) mode.

Copying a PAGE, copies the trigs, from one of the four pages of a track.

Then you can paste those trigs, to one of the four pages, of another track.

First, select a track to copy a page from, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to copy, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to copy from is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the COPY(RECORD) button, then release the PAGE button.

To paste the page of trigs, into a page of another track.
First, select a track to paste a page to, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to paste to, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to paste to, is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the PASTE(STOP) button, then release the PAGE button.

To clear one page of a track.
First, select a track to erase a page from, by holding down the TRACK button, and pressing one of the 6 track buttons T1-T6.

Then select the page you want to erase, by pressing the PAGE button repeatedly (short presses) until the page you want to erase is lit (1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4).

Then press and hold the PAGE button down, and press the CLEAR(PLAY) button, then release the PAGE button.

NOTE: I find it easier to perform these operations when the sequencer is not running (RECORD and STOP lights lit, not flashing), as it is easier to see witch page I have selected.

Remember you must be in Grid Recording mode, to perform these operations.


I wasn’t sure what machine you started with so I went with KICK and holy moly. These settings are fun.

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I managed to create a pure noise source with the tone engine that can be useful to layer drums.

I mention the tone machine in the first sentence :slight_smile: Will try the setting out with the kick machine.


:laughing: oh no! I skimmed that detail! My bad!

On other machines these settings suit some industrial sounds pretty well (albeit accidentally due to my negligence)
Thanks for offering up the recipe!


I just got model:cycles two days ago, and scrolled through this whole thread thinking someone else would’ve mentioned this already… I found out that you can use a midi feedback loop (midi in to midi out, disable all sync in and out) to make one track control many (or all) tracks… This is awesome for making layered synth patches, and if you set the encoder destination to internal+external, you can control all the track parameters from the “master” track without using CTRL All… I’m gonna dive deeper into this to see if I can get multiple lfo’s working on a single track… Anyway that’s my contribution… I just used a stereo 1/8th cable to go midi in to midi out… This is damn fun little box…


Not gonna lie, my head exploded a little lol.

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Whoa! Thavius Beck, no less.

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Delay Time: 32
Delay Feedback: 100
Put delay on your rhythmic tracks (percussion & secondary melody)
Play them for a couple of bars then mute them

Enjoy your lowpass filtered rhythm!


did you ever make a video of this?

I’ve been enjoying getting funky timing by tuning decay, swing, then using sweep to further get a nice spacing and groove before going back to decay.

Super basic process but messing with such a simple interface leads me to optimize for the right things and being able to better collapse “preset” design with rhythm!