Midi controller for OT

Not yet! I have it all built up, just need to figure out to flash the firmware. And I need to find the right sized screws (i messed up when I did the parts order and didn’t order them when I ordered the other parts.) I’ll let u know how it works! I’m also attempting to add a 0-coast back into the equation and I imagine the CVs will be fun :slight_smile:

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How would the 16n work for volume controls? I thought each fader needs a different midi channel; not sure the 16n can do that.

Pretty sure it can do it, editable. Otherwise it would be useless for midi.

You can assign midi channels to each fader or group of faders in the config file. Haven’t tried it yet, but in theory this will work. Also, I imagine, if a guy really got into it you could program all sorts of interesting bahavior as the controller is using a teensy. If I ever get time I was thinking of programming up an LFO or two… looks like a powerful device, a bit in the geeky side admittedly :-):grinning:


Arduino based, you should be able to make a step arpeggiator too!

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Does the new Faderfox EC4 really either shows parameter names, or numerical values or values as bar graph in the display?

I know I can switch between those with dedicated buttons above the display, but…
Parameter name + parameter value is just crucial information.

Hope I missed smt in thr manual.


LED rings around the encoders to display values could have been a nice option for simultaneous label / value display when the screen is only displaying the labels.

and I think not outside the price range of the device.

Damn…this thing needs LED rings indeed.
It actually seemed to be the controller I’ve been waiting for, but without having value and parameter name displayed simultaneously, I’d rather get a Midi Fighter Twister and deal with scribble strips, overlays etc…

like bcr2000?

hello i just bought FaderFox MX12. It works great I am happy with it, but need now more knobs… Is the PC12 the only thing I ve got to add? Any ideas?

PC12, UC44 and PC44 and you should be ok…

I just said I choose MX12 instead of UC44 which seems to be the old version of MX12
So maybe a PC44 could be interesting, but to find it, that’s another thing )) But still the same PC12 seems to have replaced PC44…

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I meant take the 3! :smile:
PC12 seems logical for sure.
You have OT+A4 MKI?

the 3 ! haha…
I own OT MKII and A4 MKII yes.
But with the MIDI out via the MX12 of my OT i split it in three MIDI outs with a MIDI splitter which for now works pretty well)). So that, OT can be the master to my DeepMind 12D and my Poly D too.
Well I think about PC12 instead of PC44 which is the old version. But UC44 is the old version of MX12… So I have a MX 12 and then for you I need 2 PC12? ^^

I can’t tell, PC12 + MX12 is more that I’d need!
Seems enough.

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so thats your controllers for your octatrack and analog four?

No! My controllers are OT and A4. :content:
I’m more interested in something like the Faderfox EC4, or a Launchpad Mini Mk3, but nothing decided yet.

Just saying an Mx12 and a Pc12 seems more than enough! I like the fact they have the same size as OT, but it’s too big for me.

I would like to get a controller to tweak things in Octatrack, anybody has any/favorite ones?

Something oldschool like an evolution UC-33 might work fine, but those are kinda old, crappily built, and too expensive for what they are.

Nowadays there’s some tempting options, but I need to add a USB host to most of them, and then I don’t know if latency is an issue (never tried, thoughts?)

I would mostly like to be able to control the 8 channels with faders like if I had a mixer.

There’s lots of discussion on the forum for faderfox controllers


I have done this with korg nanokontrol and rasp pi (as well as other controllers and midi hosts).

Latency was never an issue, in my experience.