Midi Bank Select (outgoing)

Advices to check Bank and Prog Change send :
You can send them by double click on stop.
Check it with a midi monitor (ex miditest on pc, midipal, midibud…)
IMPORTANT : The Ot send midi messages only once if they are similar. That’s why it doesn’t work everytime. You have to change settings to send it again, or 2 clic on stop for Bank + PC.

I use Event Processor Plus, that allows me to convert any CC to any PC. Random PC kingdom !

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Did the Eventprocessor Plus solve the issue for you? Is it reliable to convert the messages the OT sends to a synth to do a proper bank & prgm change (without having to double press stop on the OT?)

Still curious to know if the Event Processor fixed the problem for you?
Especially how reliable it would be in a live-situation when doing Bank/Program changes from the Octatrack to external Synths… Thanks!

Sorry I missed you’re previous post.
Yeah it works great with Ep+. Never had and issue.
Another use : I mapped notes messages to Pc for my Blofeld, so at each different note, I have a different sound. Great for drums. :thup:


That eases the mind :slight_smile:


6 posts were split to a new topic: Change Kit or Sound via MIDI message?

Got the original problem where the peak doesn’t seem to change banks - even with cc32 set…only with the OT rather than DT. Anyone managed to get bank control of the Peak with any Elektron gear?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Digitakt not sending bank select (patch works)

Hey @sezare56
Coming back to this topic. Do you think with the Event processor I could send midi notes that trigger a sound of my norddrum 2 but also change Programs and/or even banks? No experience with this. Or p-lock, or even lfo PCs?
Was very jealous when I heard you can plock them on the DT…

Yeah you can map any midi message to up to 32 “simultaneous” messages of any kind, even SYSEX.

RK002, Bomebox work for that too.

Now I have a MD for that. :wink:
MD + A4’s Multi Map for drums : :heart_eyes:


Nice. Congrats.
I want a MD as well :smiley: Then I could live without MIDI processor.
Does the midi event processor also work after a midi thru box?

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Not sure it works after a thru box, if that thru box don’t have midi powered outputs.

Ok. Have to look. The thru box is also from Midi solutions…
Did you buy MD UW or without UW?

So you have the event processor plus… Do you think the normal would fit my needs?

Only 10 events vs 32.
If you have more ideas/needs, you’ll need more events.
I used the max 32 events and Midipal to make A4 4x2 paraphonic.

Rk002 is cheaper and can be programmed deeper, but you have to understand how to use the libraries.

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Due to current impact on me, I would like to show a solution for this.

I wanted to change Banks on my newly aquired (GAS sucks. Oh yeah it does.) Lexicon MPX500, only the Program Change worked. The workaround via sending CC32 to switch the Bank brought me to this:

As I own a iConnectivity Midi4+ (again thx to @Open_Mike for recommendation), one can remap the Bank select 0 to Bank select on 32 like in this screenshot

I paid 130€ for mine, so take a look at the second hand pages. It also has USB-Host functionality for up to eight (8!!!) devices.




I know this is an old post but in case anyone else is having this issue - the Nord Drum 2 actually doesn’t change the bank until it receives these 3 messages, in this order: bank LSB (always 0), MSB (0-7), and then a program change. You can change the program only but the bank change must always be followed by a program change for the ND2 to respond to it.

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I read this in the manual as well, but I don’t get how I would manage this with the Octatrack

It’s possible but not practical at all.

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Yeah I have it too, and it can do midi mapping filtering too indeed.

Before I buy an event processor just for this use I might consider replacing the nd with a md