Micromonsta 2

Dammit, that’s NOT helping :rofl:
I’d save a bunch of money on that switch too…

OOF its so cheap!! This is not how GAS is supposed to work. It’s supposed to be out of reach! ohhh agony. Must…resist…


Man, that demo sounds legit.

Ordered… I’m so weak.



The demo demos only monotimbral mode, no split or layering there.

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I missed the fact that there are side, angle and rear photos in the gallery - so slim!


Difficult not to order! Holding strong here, follow the plan Tony… follow the plan! :crazy_face:


damn, that’s sexy.
the only thing I absolutely hate is that secondary orange font. ugh.
I’ve been an Audiothingies’ P6 user for many years (although I have barely used it since I got a Virus and a MicroFreak), but this really makes me interested in upgrading.
Seems like an amazing Digitakt companion (I really wish there was independent outputs for each part but oh well…)

Pretty sure they can, it’s the whole point of multi-timbral imho.

haven’t read the manual, but this seems more like a Macro (hence the M on the knob…? assuming here), which is a great addition, if that’s the case.

I wondered this myself… I’m hoping it will have some sort of pickup mode, otherwise these would be pretty much useless.

btw, there’s no manual around yet, right?

Elektrosamplist said on Audiofanzine that he’ll try to post the manual tonight (after reading through it once more).


Elektrosamplist also replied to me (a while back) that one available mode is: one timbre mono L and one mono R. (And there will be others)

One important note: the MIDI in is a TRS (not DIN) cable, type A. And may not come in the box.

“Delivered with the orange cable you can see in the photos”


so bi-timbral means two mono timbres??? that would render the effects (reverb, delay) kinda useless imho…?

hope that’s not accurate, it would be a heavy turn-off

EDIT: hopefully this is just a specific output mode designed for individual part recording…

Ordered mine as I sold my old Micromonster a while ago. :slight_smile: Nice price too.

Gonna wait till that bi-trimbal thing sorts itself somehow. A layered demo, both timbres sequenced or played together but independently, that’s what I’d like to hear.

Not that my Prophet 12’s threatened. But maybe it could do with a friend.


bitimbral as in dual polysynth: 2 x 6 voices, 12 total
and each program (or timbre) has ITS OWN INDEPENDANT DELAY AND REVERB, find another one at that price and size doing this…


The midi TRS cable comes in the box :wink:

If that’s the case, I’m interested. I’m not much into multi-timbral synths, too many options, but bi-trimbral or even tri-timbral, that’s where my sweet spot is. One of the reasons I love the Prophet 12 so much. One timbre is awesome but it’s always just one. Two timbres, that’s an entire track or even an album if you’re clever about it.


I agree. I got a Virus Snow a while ago, seduced by it’s four voices. I started using 2-3 live, and eventually realized it was too much (not only sonic-wise, but also in terms of controlling all that stuff live).
Now I’m leaning towards a different approach - less elements, more minimalistic, trying to balance out the melodic sounds with others that may insinuate melody, sort of speak.
I’ve recently moved to a Virus TI (Snow felt to uninspiring to program, I’m not an ITB guy so the plugin was not my thing), but I’m not even sure that’s my kind of thing (although I admit I’m having much more fun with it now that I have the knobs and buttons to program it faster).
I think two parts is enough - one for bass, another one for whatever - leads, pads, whatever.

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would you get this or a digitone if all you have is a digitakt and an FM radio?

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I bought an MM2. I have a DN and DT (OT/A4…)
Different approach. The Digitone has more fm capabilities, less voices.
MM2 is less than half the price. Midi control of most important parameters possible with DT (if midi is as exhaustive as MM1).