MegaCommand // MCL 4.51

Hi y’all! Sorry if this has been answered but the search function isn’t showing anything. Does MCL effectly act as a +drive? i.e. can I store ROM samples on it / load from it? I see that I can store projects on it, like the +drive version (which is sweet).

I’m considering just wrapping the plastic enclosure to match.

Wood is cool, but somehow i dont feel it is suitable. A heavy solid piece of metal is my more fitting, especially if i can find the right leds and knobs. And i think i have found that now. :slight_smile:

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Aluminum is the way. @mbang you gon’ get an email soon :wink:

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kinda. but not quite.

you can store/ batch export/import roms at turbo speeds in wav/aif/syx formats from MCLs SD card. but it doesn’t have snapshots of MD projects/patterns. workaround is create specific labelled folders of roms you can reference to MD/MCL projects.
would be a nice feature to include extended mode sysex export/import of MD patterns/songs/globals states too.

you can import all/some patterns from MD into an MCL project.


Hey odalv, sorry i was late to reply, but ave responded just now. :slight_smile:
There is ONLY one mbang, trust me! :slight_smile: I am with the same nick on multiple plces, i also use defalut but sparely.
foo at gmx dot com or erik dot marcus dot bang at gmail dot com are my email addresses.
Cheers! :slight_smile:


Thanks so much! I appreciate the response and sorry if i sounded a little grumpy… there is an overwhelming amount of scammers&thieves here in the lawless New York were i’m located. Apologies.


No worries, i understand. :slight_smile:
Better to be careful!

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hi, do you have any pictures of this assembled aluminum unit?

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Not MegaCMD.

I have some of the DIY MegaCommand design pre-assembled.

Where are you located?

Hi Justin, thanks for your reply, i’m located in upstate New York

No, just the prototype. I will, when i have time, take correct measurements så i can construct a finished unit. Atm i have two alu units under construction, but they have to stand back until i finish the regular units.
Also, a big question is the finish of the alu surface. I can polish to shine, brush with metal Brush to make them diffused, not sure which is best.

Oh, i didn’t know you make the regular units as well!

I do, certainly! I have made 150-200 units in total for a couple of years, almost every unit have been very well working and had great look. I offer custom designs with color schemes you can choose yourself, and other options…

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How can i get more info about this?

Send me a PM and i can fill you in with the details. I am in the process of quitting building, as soon as my backorder list is empty i will only make severely customized units. Not sure if i can take another order, but send a PM and i will check it out. In short, i offer three standard case colors (white, black and silver-gray) and five led colors. Of course i can give you basically any color you want on case/LEDs, but it will be special orders. Also, i have atm two std types of encoders; sifam and the more exclusive Bastl ones (in silver, gold or black aluminium). But as said, PM me!


Can the Minicommand run Megacommand Live?

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Hello All.
Apologies in advance if this has been asked previously, I own the R&W MiniCommand bought in 2010… scrolling the reIeases I saw that the compatibility with the original MiniCommand hardware has been included as of 2.40.
Please, could you tell me which is the latest compatible release?
Thanks in advance.

The Minicommand does not have enough program memory to run MCL as it is today.

MCL is 240KB, Minicommand CPU can only store 64KB of program code.

Even stripping back many features I was never able to get MCL below 128KB.

After performing some archeological work

The last coded version was 2.11 but likely never compiled or released.

MCL version 2.40 maintained support for the 16x2 display, but this was before the OLED support was completed. The firmware was already too large at this point to back port to the Minicommand.

The code:

Manual + Binary for V2.0:

The old development thread:

I’m posting these out of convenience / curiosity.


Hi Justin,
Do you still have some of these DIY MegaCommand units?