MegaCommand // MCL 4.51

Whilst in enhanced mode: bank select + trig 8 to enter chromatic mode.

However MD MID tracks are limited in enhanced mode. Better to use MCLs grid y ext midi tracks.

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For some reason its not outputting any midinotes. I can see the MD trigger buttons are activating the chromatic keyboard on the MCL. But no notes are are coming out of the MD only sysex messages.

Also how are the MID tracks limited ?

Hi Justin, Merry post-Christmas!
Regarding the BPM; if the MCL shows double/triple/quadruple bpm when either syncing with MD or through DAW, what would be the circuit that handles the incoming BPM? I have a unit going from 225 to 700-something BPM…

Hard user-error(or sloppy reading on my part), you need to upgrade from 4.11 to 4.20 the old way first before it shows up at all. Haven’t upgraded the USB chip yet, don’t have a UW so not sure how much it matters for now, BUT

join the Discord!


check the install instructions, I think it was a hex file through xloader but its been a while

in general you’re better off on discord for support, I’m just a messy amateur when it comes to these things


Will you be having anymore up for sale anytime soon?


MCL 4.30 Released: :rocket:



  • Fixes:
    The Microtiming Menu would not display correctly when the track speed was set to 1/8.
    GUI input from MD’s trig keys would sometimes be unreliable.

  • Changes:
    Improved overall framerate and responsiveness of MCL particulary on the Grid Page.

    Overhauled the method in which MD track are loaded such that there are no dropped notes during transitions.

    MCL now responds to Program Change messages incoming via USB MIDI.

    GUI improvements to Save and Load pages.

Use the discord for troubleshooting please.


Top Top ! Thank you for your work ! I don’t even remember how is it to program the MD without MCL !

Justin, many thanks for continuously improving the software. You are my hero.

Has anyone built their own Megacommand recently? Im adequate but not a pro with electronics and soldering - testing circuits etc. I saw the BOM and wondering if all of the parts are easily acquired now with the components shortages. What level is the assembly and how long did it take you?

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MCL 4.40 Released: :ringer_planet:


Use the discord for help with the firmware update


Hello first of all I would like to admit I am technically inept! That being said I need your help. I have a MD SPS1UW+ and I just purchased a MiniCommand. I think I made the correct MIDI connections but how do I get them to communicate with each other? Thank you for your help!!!

MCL 4.41 Released :fire:


Bug fixes, including an issue with saving to Grid Y.


hi, yes - I would be interested in getting the aluminium version!

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Hi, okay then.
I have a proto unit with very rough look. Can be fixed up nicely just like you want with a little work. Will look very nice with clear white, blue, orange or red leds, 5mm at least. With the right knobs, like the Bastl, it will look awesome. Note that this is very exclusively made for one customer … :slight_smile:

The proto will be more expensive but not like the finished. Cant say price yet, contact me to get started and ask more. foo at gmx dot com. Cheers!

hello - I would also be interested, if that’s alright! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Of course, hi and welcome!

The units in aluminium will hade a thick chassi, 2,5mm. I am trying out various techniques to make the surface look top notch but so far without luck. Sure i can sand it, scrub/ and such but it´s trial and error.

Anyway, those of you that are interested, send your details to erik dot marcus dot bang at gmail dot com

I will keep in touch upon after arrival of your contact data.



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Have you thought of making a small wooden enclosure ? That would look sick!