MDEdit : MachineDrum Editor and Librarian

I’m happy with a pre-order if thats the vibes.
your work speaks for itself n if pre-order makes it easier for you to work on it I’m totally up for that :+1:t3:


Id pre order np


I’m ok for preorder


I’d be interested in a pre-order. MD & MnM here :+1:t5:


wow a lot of stuff going on … I was wondering what happened to Octaedit, as it was so quite in the last months

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I second that.


Oh, I could deliver all those; just need the time / money / energy to do so.

I am busy working away on OctaEdit v2. I am many, many revisions past the last publicly released beta; and have made a lot of changes; new functionality etc.

Unfortunately, I was not getting much feedback, so it wasn’t really worth the time being spent on sorting out betas, installers etc.; when that time could be spent on developing / testing / fixing.

Primarily thought the vast bulk of my time is spent job hunting; applying, interviews etc. for the obvious reasons.

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Amazing work! I’m a mrk 1 owner so I can old sit in the sidelines and cheer.

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Should all be fine with MkI’s.

All functionality is already coded in there.

Naturally though you won’t be able to transfer 4 Bar / 64 Step patterns to the MkI though.

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I made an account just because I had to say I would preorder.


I’d be fine with pre-order as well (depending a bit on asking price).

However, I’d like to suggest to really consider how much time and energy you want to spend on managing sales instead of doing actual development. IME, the more customers you’ll have, the more you’ll wish you wouldn’t have to take care of the administration. Additionally, a crowd-funding platform might push visibility of your products way beyond a thread on the elektron forum.

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True. Rusty wrote some thoughts about that above in the thread.


Very interesting. Are there any demo vids online?

I might preorder. But what price are we talking about ?

Another sales input: I met the developers of Dwarf Fortress two years ago. They talked about never wanting to have complaining customers, which resulted in them not actually SELLING their game.

Instead, they went with a donation model – something that most people associate with Patreon these days, but which obviously also works with bank transfers or PayPal (one time or recurring donations).

In their case, it eventually worked out. They code their game, which is available for free. Donations mean revenue fluctuations, which can be hard – but then they also live in a rather expensive territory. Although their game should be niche, like this software here, they somehow have a forum with about 60k participants – which obviously is gold if you want a donation-based model.

Anyway, wanted to add this. Rusty: good luck with everything!!!

Not yet, sorry. Takes time that would be better spent developing; and I am in discussions with someone about making the videos for MDEdit instead of me.

Always the big question.

Dwarf Fortress is a bit of an interesting (and isolated) case. AFAIK; for starts the lead dev had a uni / phd grant, like $50k? and decided to develop DF rather then do his study?

MDEdit would be a lot more niche then Dwarf Fortress for sure.

That kind of business model would just not be viable at all with something like MDEdit or a synth… unless I just pushed out a parameter or button at a time :crazy_face:

Maybe if I was developing a DAW…


Looking at $79

I will look at releasing in three stages [ OSX Standalone | Windows Standalone | VST/AU ]

If you are interested on the basis of OSX standalone; then sign up for the Early Access mailing list

I will be using that to justify whether to move forward / get sign off from the boss.

If there is enough interest, then I will organise something a bit more formal (either just pre-orders or a campaign or something); if not, c’est la vie.


I’ve just registered. Really interested in getting this.

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I’m just seeing this for the first time now. Count me in!!


I guess I might spam some stuff on Facebook tomorrow… but we’ll see how big the list grows for now.