MC 707 / 101 : Roland Grooveboxes

On the MC-101, the shortcut key press is Tempo + Exit. On the MC-707, it’s Tempo + Func.

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Hold TEMPO, then press EXIT

EDIT: what he said

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Thanks guys :grinning:mc707_cheatsheet.pdf (183.2 KB)

might be of some use to you guys.

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I got a used MC-707 arriving. Did anyone thought about and got an external Launchpad or equivalent device to launch the clips from the device?

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I’ve thought about it quite a lot, esp when I create a track with lots of clips, but I’ve never set it up. I only have a older Launchpad which would need a USB MIDI host or PC.

I guess the only pad / grid controller on the market with standalone MIDI is the LaunchPad Pro?

Yes it works quite well, there are some YouTube videos you can find on it.


There’s also this. Have no experience of it.

EDIT: oops I think it may be notes and CCs only, not PC, which you will want.

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I tested it with a Hapax and it works great. If you use Hapax to launch/stop clips, it also reflects which clip is playing on the MC-707.

You need to use the “pre send” feature so the program changes are sent just before the start of a new bar


Hey ! Quick question to users of the MC101.

Has anybody got corrupted user-samples lately ? I’ve got a lot of those happening lately on a few projects, and I’m trying to figure if it’s related to the SD card or the latest firmware (1.81).

Thankfully I had backups, but it’s annoying.

Cheers !

there’s a Red Means Recording video about “chopping” and how Jeremy deals with that issue…

i haven’t figured out how yet, but there’s a couple different iPad apps that should be able to launch clips as well…

think this should work. gonna add BT midi to the MC-707.

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What are the portable battery options for the MC-707, it says 5.7v @ 2A not a conventional USB power output.

I was wondering if I can write-over the same track quickly. To restore a clip back to empty state each time before a new recording slows down the process. I was hoping to record a couple of measures, then record over like how Octatrack does it while keeping the knob assignments and other settings for that [SEL] track intact.

Bugfix update 1.8.2 is out (for both MCs):


Haven’t used it in a while with the power bank, so perhaps you don’t need both? but checking the email I bought these to use the MC707 with a USB power bank:

1 x DC Tip Adapter 2.1mm to 2.1mm Polarity Reverser
1 x myVolts 6V Ripcord USB to DC power cable, centre positive, model AA924MS

The powerbank is a fairly standard one (this one), 10,000 mAh with two outputs, 5V 1A and 5V 2.1A, and the MC707 worked fine with it.

Thanks man. I did not have good product experience from myVolts (not going to buy another one of their product) so likely something from Songbird instead. Interestingly, not many USB-C out to 6v barrel out there.

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Reading through the MC101 manual I see that USB audio in can be have total effects and scatter applied, which seems very cool. It looks like the USB audio in is then only on mix out, not it’s own channel. Is it possible silence the other tracks from the mix out to isolate the audio from USB audio in? I hope that makes sense :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit: I should add, I’d still want the internal track audio coming through their own usb channels just not the mixout.

Also, I think I understand the project/track/clip/tone/drum/looper setup, but is it possible to swap the type of track a clip to have multiple types in a song? For example track 1 starts as a tone clip then the next clip would be a drum? Or does the track have to stay the same across different clips?


Quick question for anyone with an MC-707.

I thought when it first came out, the youtuber Mr. Tuna was trying to play from his Roland System 8 midi into the MC and then have the MC midi back out to the System 8 and it really was not working that way. Like you can with the Pyramid or the Octatrack, etc.

But, I know they have added more Midi stuff in updates so is it possible now? I was going to buy an MC 707 but need to use my Microfreak as a controller but need to have the Microfreak sequenced by the MC.


Yes the MC-707 will work as you require. It has the equivalent of Elektron’s MIDI auto channel.

If you set your Microfreak to transmit on this channel it wil play whatever track is currently selected on the MC-707 and, of course, you can have one of those tracks sending MIDI out to the Microfreak.

You will want to switch local control off on the Microfreak (if that is possible?).

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