MC 707 / 101 : Roland Grooveboxes

Does it mean that EXZ006 World Instruments in rolandcloud provides the same presets/sounds/patches (sorry I’m lost with Roland naming) as ones provided with SRX-09 world collection card?
If yes, does it mean I can finally have these sounds in my MC101?
Would be amazing!

another question about RolandCloud & MC101: if I understand well, I can subscribe for one month, download as much as EZX sound packs I want, load them in MC101, then I 'll be able to use them for life?

replying to myself on both questions: no, it looks like wave expansions (EXZ packs) can’t be used on MC101 :frowning:

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Oops! Sorry to get your hopes up. I’ve edited the above to avoid future confusion.


No problem :slight_smile: I realized after my messages: if MC101 had the possibility to host most of SRX modern equivalent, EZX, it would be such a powerful device that it would have already been talked about in this topic.
That would be an amazing update and could finally help me to decide me to sell my XV5080 as it sleeps for too long in its bag now :smiley:

I must be missing something simple (return to 101 after a spell on the models)

On my drum track I want nearly no reverb on my kick, lots of reverb on my snare, so I set the pad reverb sends accordingly.

However the per-pad settings appear to make no difference and are totally overridden by the reverb send at the track level, so I get the same amount of reverb on both.

I was guessing it might be to do with Out Assign (currently set to MFX) but I don’t seem to be able to use that to get what I want (other than setting it to DRY).

What do I need to do to get the individual drum instruments (pads) have different reverb sends ?

EDIT: Okay, it’s just this one project where it’s all misbehaving.

EDIT 2: Got it … was misunderstanding what was happening with reverb send at Track/Settings versus Track/MFX


I’m finding some of my wav samples can’t be previewed or loaded as either drum instruments or as tone instruments. The message I get when loading is “Format Error!”.

The actual files are OK. When the 101 is connected in ‘storage mode’ the computer can play them back, and when copied to the model sample the files play back ok.

Struggling to find a common characteristic that distinguishes playable and not playable samples. It’s not

  • encoding (16 vs 24)
  • sample rate (44.1 vs 48)
  • pre-processed by ‘sox’ or straight copied to disk

In each case I can find some that work and some that don’t.

Can anyone throw any light on why a 101 (or 707) might get picky about file format ? Some sort of metadata, tagging, or headers missing from the file ?

Continuing to experiment here - but any shortcuts appreciated.

I remember having this problem once and somehow I fixed it. could you upload a sample please that doesn’t work?

edit: now I remember, I had to clear the WAVE Extensions

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Much appreciated … here’s one.

Thanks. Hmmm … okay … googling ‘wave extensions’ is not getting me very far (even combined with ‘audacity’ or ‘sox’) … what software is that you are using ?

Yes, this worked. I’m using Myriad by Zynaptiq. It’s great for converting samples etc.

But there are probably other solutions…

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Is this new? Or is anything coming? I got this from here:


just try to re-export it from audacity. It seems this is happening with files that are exported from ableton.

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I could do that one by one, but I have a huge number of these that were converted by a script that uses sox. So I need to find another solution, hopefully with sox, that I can script. it may be as simple as upgrading sox to the latest version. Last resort, I will do a one-by-one conversion as you suggest.

yes one-by-one is a total pain. but you could try it to narrow down a solution. Maybe it’s only just the re-export that fixed it with Myriad.

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You might find that it’s some kind of WAV header that’s causing the problem.

That being the case export it as a RAW file with audacity and then import and export as a WAV.

That will get rid of any headers.

There might be a better way but that will do it.

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It does look like it. The fixed file (from @paulito) is exactly 36 bytes shorter, and drops the ‘fact’ header chunk. The ‘fact’ chunk appears to be a characteristic of some extensions to the wav format introduced in 2010-2011. When I have something more concrete (like a fix, or a way to determine files that won’t work on the MC-101) I’ll add more.


Okay, so, as yet, I can find no solution for an already broken wav file (other than this) but I’ve figured out how the “Format Error!” problem happens, based on the samples I’ve got to hand right now.

FIRST (and of interest to anyone here) @paulito was right … seems that ANY sample file which has the ‘wave extensions’ format is flat out rejected by the MC-101. If you only have the file in that format, fixing it seems to be hard (limited to the solution linked above). Options other than that, common solutions like using ffmeg or sox to remove headers doesn’t work because ‘wave extensions’ also means changes to a header that we want to keep,

Only bright side here is that these problem files are easily identifiable on a mac … use the command

$ file myfile.wav

in the terminal and if you don’t see ‘Microsoft PCM’ in the output, you’re stuck with a ‘wave extensions’ file.

SECOND (only of interest to anyone using sox) there’s a conflict between sox and the MC-101 here. If you’re using sox to split up sample chains (or otherwise create headers) and your input file is ‘Microsoft PCM’ and 16-bit, all is good. If, however the file is 24-bit, then sox makes the mistaken assumption that it needs to create ‘wave extension’ headers, and while that file is playable in many places, it is not playable on the MC-101. The MC-101 WILL play 24-bit ‘Microsoft PCM’ wavs, but sox appears to not want to create those.

On the bright side, if I first reduce from 24-bit to 16-bit as part of the sample chain split process, I then I get files I can use on the MC-101.

Anyone know if there’s a shortcut to turn the metronome on and off quickly?

I know I can press “shift + tempo” and then turn the knob on and off, just wondering if there’s any other method.
