Max Marco

This sort of discussion would never have happened years ago. Do we live by the internet and media platforms? Sad. Maybe hes gone on a Buddhist retreat. “Speculation my dear Watson” as Sherlock said.


Buddhist retreat seems likely.

Also likely, escaping the sort of arguments like above. I don’t think the evolution of the internet has been particularly kind to social progress, at least for some groups of people. I’m no scientist, but I can at least say for myself that it has been particularly difficult – and I grew up with this shit! But the modern day trolls are serious. They know their shit, and how to break you down. It sucks. Maybe this is the new Darwinism.

But also, who knows. This thread is kind of silly. We miss Max, but Max doesn’t seem to miss us. We are the sad ones. I do hope he is okay, but I don’t think his inactivity should be taken as evidence that he is in distress.


@defenestration if you’re gone for good, thanks for the value you added.

If not, I hope you’re living a fruitful life


In his last video, he said he would be back soon once finishing moving. Unless someone has heard from him (I am not sure) I would be very concerned for his safety considering his intent. But I am a bit of a worrier.

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I understand that. I do hope he’ll reach out to someone to confirm. Also not counting on it, but I don’t know him personally – does anyone here?

I also understand that humans are complicated and conflicted creatures. It could be he said he’d be back, life said ‘nope’, and now he’s in a different spot. He seemed like someone who had varied interests, so perhaps music isn’t the thing anymore.

Again, I don’t know, I’m just speculating. The YT videos live on.

Hi Max! :wave: Hope you are doing well, we love you.


My mind jumps to that immediately.

Not making videos is one thing. Social media is cancer- youtube/facebook/twitter all of that I get.

But for a guy who’s content/interests are mostly Elektron to not appear in the techno-hugbox of this forum…my mind jumps to psychological trauma to physical jeopardy to death.

He’s a guy I’m aware of that I’ve found benefit from, so all I can do is put the abstract rose on the abstract tomb and put a “no homo” in the chamber if/when he ever comes around to collect


Someone who knows Max just told me, that they spoke in January via Twitter. Also, he seems sure Max is OK. I don’t want to dig too much - could be, Max wants some peace these days?


This thread proves again, what an awesome community this is!


I think this thread is a good representation of how quick some get distracted and loosing Focus on the initial subject… In Most Cases for self-displaying reasons (discussion-posts earlier)? Hiding behind a Mask of “careing” and “concerns”. this is one reason why even this forum feels toxic to me… And If max is not responding than Just leave him be instead of hunting him Like a trophy-animal or some shit…


I do not believe that that is what is happening here, not even in the slightest.
I think people are reaching out to see if he is okay.
Choosing to see that as " hunting him like a trophy animal" is a pretty dim view.


Yeah, perhaps some kind of enforced “alright, that’s enough” kind of thing regarding talking to people who aren’t his friends online. I can understand that if so.



i learned so much from dissecting his videos and working my way through them.
id consider him a teacher
ive actually been concerned about him for a bit of time now, and its relieving to me to see others on here feel the same.
if he has moved on from posting/forums etc, thats FINE. i totally get that, 100%, and i thank him for the effort he put in. it taught me a great deal and for that i am grateful…
id just like to hear that he is okay…

this is good to hear. i will take that as good news.


Quite a few people who did post frequently here for years disappeared from the forum.


I was under the impression that once you finally master the Octatrack you transcend this mortal pain and reach a state of nirvana imperceptible to our weak minds.


Completely possible that he has ascended, for sure…

Complete integration with the instrument/mind
I almost achieved that with my weed whacker last Monday. The weedy strings were just extensions of my vision, and everywhere i looked, shit just flew apart. If i could have maintained that flow state, i would never return here either…
But i would be touched if somebody out there wondered what the hell happened to me… and Im just a dummy, Max Marco is actually good at these things.


his vids completely transformed the way I view and approach the OT & MD.

game changer vibes. x


This is amusing, he is a humble guy, he did his thing, I’m sure he’s doing. The toxic, um, well people have threads of Cenk, Max certainly is up there with the likes of him and say like someone of say Nick Bat’s contribution to the music community in general so it only shows as a testament to his great effort he gave of himself whether receiving patreon support and his lessons etc, or just doing all the work to make just the vids let alone answer a ton of comments, so he cared, and so do we. He’s cool, so he’s put himself on the map.


If you listen carefully you can hear him between the slices in your sample chains.


Wow. This perhaps says more about you than those well wishers here.

The irony and seeming contrariness of you calling out others as toxic on this thread.


He’s at the end of every infinite Dark Reverb tail.