Max Marco

Max Marco rules.
Loved the “narration” on the videos.


DROOOLZ? :face_with_monocle:


Also got him on Facebook. His last post was on April, 2020. Just pinged him on messenger, to let him know we are worried.


anything yet?

Nope - no answer :confused:

@defenestration I hope you’re doing well too. Best technical videos about Octatrack without boring/useless/selfish blabla imho.

Good tricks, my favorite one being the master track metering, recorder 8 recording MAIN.
(btw possible to activate buffer in AED directly with REC+BANK, and zooming once seems to be +12db)


One of his Machinedrum videos taught me a ton of tricks all in under 2 minutes, like using the EQ (I had ignored it) and the joys of internal resampling.

Hope he’s doing well!

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maybe he left with cenk and ess

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Maybe he’s in love.
(not talking about Cenk and Ess)


or maybe he’s just done with social media.
its better that way. that shits so toxic


social media is just a medium though…
it’s people that are toxic


its an enabler.

people have been known to get depressed…suicidal even, just looking at other peoples “posts” and compare their lives to the fake fantastic lives the other portray.

it actually a platform built on shaming others. thanks Zuckerturd


life is the enabler

thats a silly comment. you had no choice in your arrival. you do have a choice to engage in the lunacy or not.


but people have been known to do those things outside of any particular platform as well, the only common denominator is the ‘toxic people’ and the ‘people that give them creedance’

that’s not what I meant I completely agree with you about leaving the room the toxic people are in,

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someone coveting someone else’s perceived happiness has nothing to do with toxicity of other people. its polluting the mind of the person who believes the posters life is greater than their own…when a lot of the time, the posters images and comments are fallacy or exaggerations.

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none of that can be quantified nor should it…
because it entails the value system of both parties and the scale of each can be just about anything not to mention neither has the right to judge unless there is a clear and direct assault being made.

in other words you might judge both the victim and the perpetrator’s values as both being sh*t

then what?

you can’t blame one individual for another’s coveting of anything whether it’s real or perceived…

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? its proven dude. ha ha ha

anyways you obviously enjoy it. have at it. I feel liberated since I dumped that trash 6+ years ago.

I know this is just opin, but after viewing several Marco vids…with hs demeanor, I wouldn’t put it past him that he abandoned it as well. its a time sink. theres better stuff to do.


what’s proven?

I don’t know him but I have no reason to doubt what you’re saying about his reasoning… I just don’t know him…

the truth is people suck whether they are on the internet or not, the exceptions are the people who don’t suck whether they are on the internet or not… it’s not rocket science