M8 Tracker

As @TheGhostCat says, it is easy to set up headless, especially the M8WebDisplay way. I also run the offline server thing, turn wifi off and run the M8 display fullscreen, it is more like having an alternate giant version of the hardware, although the portability and sampling of the real thing still make it even more appealing. Chrome

It sounds amazing, I particularly like the mutable instrument oscillators.

The manual is not very complete, but those meet up videos have loads of good tips.

Thanks for the warm welcome @TheGhostCat I look forward to more oxi beta videos.


Ok, youā€™ve convinced me! Teensy ordered!

Iā€™m waiting for my M8, but I had been considering getting familiar with how the software works before it comes, so that when I have my M8 Iā€™m immediately up and running.


I just got myself an 0-coast (second time) for portable patching. I still think itā€™s the most interesting semi-modular (change my mind!). I love hanging out on the sofa or in the garden generating patch ideas and weird sounds.

After a bit, you want something to send it MIDI & generative sequences. Then you want some FX to bring out its sound - reverb especially. Then you think it would be great if I could sample it too. What about if I could add other samples or synths. All in one unit?

M8 x 0-coast would be killer combo I reckon. In fact any semi-modular or eurorack would be great. Wait for someone to try racking an M8!

Iā€™m kicking myself again for not signing up for one
[slinks off to Discord to look for cancelled pre-ordersā€¦]

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This has been discussed in the Discord server, as the preproduction model is 3u height. However, the idea was abandoned since itā€™d probably not be that great to use in a rack. Itā€™s a handheld device, and works most efficiently like that.

Yeah, Iā€™m blazing through it already and I havenā€™t had much time to use it until the past week or so. I made this ridiculous bigbeat track on it over the past couple of days:


Ordered my Teensy 4.1. Itā€™s not going to get here for two more weeks but, Iā€™m excited. Speaking of Teensy, this looks kind of cool:

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Teensy ordered. :heart:


I received mine a couple days back. It was easy to set up with the M8 software.

I had a few hours on it last night, and Iā€™ve really enjoyed it.

I think there already is one. Facebook Groups


Weird, it didnā€™t show up in the search results. Is it hidden from public, or can you check the settings for the group? Just deleted the new group, so there is no conflict :slight_smile:

I did not create the group and just accepted a request to help admin haha. I am hardly on FB personally. Just checked the settings and itā€™s set to visible.


FB group working fine, I requested to join and got accepted <15mins

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Whereā€™d you get the case for the teensy? Itā€™s strangely difficult to find an appropriate teensy shell/case


@megido Welcome to the forum! In true Californian fashion, I found it at a weed shop :upside_down_face: (it was the case for a pack of pre rolled joints)ā€¦ it doesnā€™t look like the empty case is available in quantities under 240ā€¦

But if your country/state/whatever is relaxed on these things, you can probably find a suitable case at a local dispensary, it will just cost a lot and have joints inside lol.


Thanks for the welcome.

Maybe one of those single pre-roll tubes would be more thriftyā€¦

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people in the m8 discord are building teensy cases with legos !


got my headless set up last night. having much fun so far!


delay in manufacturing :frowning: looks like units will be shipping closer to Oct/Novā€¦

Is this info from the discord?

I just announced it. :disappointed: Have not had time to send out emails yet but will do so Monday ā€¦


either way, super excited and appreciative of all your hard work, passion, and transparency. itā€™s been exciting to follow, this small bump in the road wonā€™t take away from how awesome itā€™ll be at the end of the day