M8 Tracker

Please don’t buy this one. (Edit: because the price is ridiculous)

Love my M8!

I see an active “order now” button on the website and it says it make take up to a week to ship. I think that’s a pretty good turnaround time

When you navigate into the store, you will see that you cannot order it. It says “SOLD OUT”:


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You missed a lengthy period of time where the M8 was in stock for a few months, and also the BRK edition that was $100 off and had a back etching! Expect another preorder next year some time, gonna be a bit of a period of time with no stock sadly, so secondhand is the way to go if you need one sooner.

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You must have not checked for a couple months. They were in stock with no preorder. I got the BRK for $499 a few weeks ago, took 5 days to deliver.

Version 3.2.6 is out …

023-11-10 - Version 3.2.6
Improved: MIDI sync and transport improved when switching songs in song load queue mode
Improved: MIDI send sync and/or send transport will transmit while receive sync and/or transport is enabled
Improved: Project - Tempo nudge now works with receive MIDI sync mode
Fix: MIDI sync latency issue when receive transport is in song mode
Fix: Stereo Delay could have audible artifacts when in receive MIDI sync mode or changing feedback parameter
Fix: Rendering song with External instrument type active could have audible artifacts in render
Fix: Sampler - Rendering issue with sampler and preserving transients
Fix: Sampler - OSC mode was not working correctly
Fix: Sampler - Quick sample browse (EDIT+LEFT/RIGHT on sample name) did not work with uppercase “WAV” file selection
Fix: Sample Editor - Normalization did not work after performing a cross fade loop
Fix: Sample Editor - Deleting a selection would not update loop points correctly
Fix: Note KIL FX command would not allow new instrument triggers if note value was not set
Fix: Tables with TIC00 would not work with HOP FX command when HOP value is the same as the current row
Fix: Bigfont mode mini-map could show the wrong location when navigating
Fix: Song - Vertical scroll position could jump when exiting selection


Had my M8 a while but I only started using it lately, heres a little sketch.


This thing is so feature-packed… I think it’s amazing to see a release fixing a dozen small bugs and I never even experienced one of them.


I loaded 3.2.6 onto my M8 that already had a 3.3.0 beta firmware on it. Not recommended! Loading failed twice and I had to open up the M8 and disconnect the battery to get it to start. Fortunately there is also a new 3.3.0 beta that has the same bugfixes.

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That’s good info to have, thanks for sharing. So, should we never go from a beta version to a GA release? Or do you think it’s specific to these versions?

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Good question! I just posted about it on the Discord. I’ll post back whatever I learn.

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Heard back from Tim almost immediately. It appears to be a fluke; this has been observed before but usually with dodgy hubs or USB cables. I was using my best micro USB cable, the one that came with the Model:Cycles, so that probably wasn’t the cause, but it’s possible the 3.2.6 download got corrupted for me somehow.

So, odd, but unlikely to happen to someone else. And if it does, it’s easily fixed with a Torx T8 and a bit of finger strength to reseat the battery (my suggestion, not necessarily Dirtywave’s).


Right on. I’m not on Discord, but I understand it’s the epicenter of M8 info sharing. I really appreciate people relaying info from Discord to this thread, for those who aren’t on there. Thanks!


I’ve fucked up a firmware update before (using a usb hub without thinking) - not saying that’s what you did… Just that the net result was the same.
There’s quite a few strange and esoteric things to try without cracking the case open… they’re detailed on discord. Offhand it involved holding in reset button for count of ten and then releasing etc etc
Took me a few tries (1/2 dozen attempts) but it sprang back to life eventually.


How did you link the aux table to a specific instrument or phrase? I was under the same initial impression as you when it came to aux tables but game changer if it works with instrument parameters too. Does it retrig on note trig when linked?

Im am trying to update my M8. I download TyUploader. I am using Mac OS Big Sur. I get a message ‘TyUploader cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified’. It only gives me an option to ‘eject disk image’. Any suggestions??

Instead of double-clicking the app, try right-click -> “Open”-ing it. This should give you an open anyway or Ignore option in the warning dialog


Thank you. That was it. I appreciate your assistance.

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I gather the M8 cannot disable charging like (if I remember correctly) the OP-1F

Only reason I ask is that I plugged it into my iPad Pro for better speaker sound but of course the iPad battery gets zapped quickly.

One workaround could be those y-cables which split power and data?