LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)



The Lyra is back in stock at Perfect Circuit. I’ll get mine this Friday. :grin:

Hey! I just released a new album today which was made mostly with handpans, Lyra and some other electronic instruments and acoustic strings. As a thank you to this forum I posted some Bandcamp download codes in the topic I posted yesterday.

I used Lyra almost on every track. Sometimes it was a bass, sometimes it was almost like a string section or other solo instrument. For the album I was using it with a volume pedal which really actually makes the instrument a lot more expressive! I also used the FX section to add texture and chaos to some other loops that I played through it. Especially with piano loops it sounded gorgeous! I recorded the Lyra through an ART tube preamp and it gave it an even warmer, thicker sound.

While doing the album I also realized how much Lyra sounds like a string machine. I was recording some cello and viola da gamba on some of the tracks and Lyra blends in with them so nicely!

Here’s one track that uses Lyra a lot (with a tremolo and the expression pedal):


I got a Lyra last week, and this was the result of my first hour with it:

Sounds from the Control Room - by Holbeck, Still

I’m enjoying the Lyra so far, I might do a second video today!


My second Lyra exploration - darker, more dramatic and post-apocalyptic:

Depth Protocol - by Holbeck, Still

Let me know your thoughts! And come say hi on YouTube if you like it :blush:



I’m pretty sure I could hear a demon humming along during the later part of the intro

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Thanks! :blush: And you could well be right… :hushed: :smiling_imp:

God damn this thing is cool

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Last one of my trio of first explorations:

Alpha Particle - Holbeck Still

This one is a gentle ambient pastorale, constraining the Lyra to a more peaceful vibe :blush:


Loved that.

Really interested in the Lyra-8. Hows the ZOIA setup in that last video? Does the Lyra go into the ZOIA?

Someone else mentioned this in the comments, they’re a nice length for videos on YT - long enough to get a taste, no rambling.

Really not helping my GAS for a Lyra

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Keep em coming!

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Glad you liked it Bruce!

For the setup, it’s all patched from my mixer (Qu-16). So, the Lyra goes straight into the Tremotron and then to the Qu-16. It then goes out to the Zoia which is setup as a send effect, and I set the Zoia patch to 100% wet. Then both the Lyra and Zoia go out via another send to the Ventris Reverb.

But you could just send Lyra straight into the Zoia - in fact, I’m away for a few days soon and might well just take the Lyra, Zoia and my Zoom h6!

It’s good to get feedback on the video length, thanks for that - I’m glad it’s working for people :raised_hands:

Apologies for fuelling the gas! :see_no_evil::grimacing::see_no_evil:


Will do! Thanks @0mega!

Thanks for the info!

Sounds like a nice going away setup :smiley:

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Finally got a Lyra. Its beautiful. Trying to pair it with other stuff. Very inspiring so far.


Awesome. Thank you for sharing.

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WHOAAA that sounds HUGE!

Question though, how loud is the LYRA-8? Do I need to boost the signal or is it plenty loud?

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Very well done. What fx are you using in these? They sound stellar.

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These may be the best Lyra-8 demonstrations I’ve heard.


Great demos indeed!

I’ve just traded a Blofeld and Pulse 2 for a nearly new Lyra-8 and am waiting for it to arrive. After watching lots of videos I really don’t know what to expect.

I’m going to send it in to Soundtoys FX rack and see what happens.
Digitakt sampling at the ready!