Logic Pro X + Overbridge + Digi´s


Anyone using the digitone and/or digitakt in Logic pro X with overbridge?
Any links to set-up´s, videos or if you would like to share your best setup, please do!
I´m quite new to the whole thing, so don´t be afarid of over-explaining .
I think I read somewhere that overbridge is better suited to Abelton Live, if using it on Logic is more hassle that fun, then please let me know.


I do exclusively. I bought Logic after not being able to afford Ableton. But, I don’t think it’s that much more worse than ableton. Ableton might make it easier to configure the midi aspect of it all but it’s not hard to setup logic as people say it is. I’m not at my computer yet, but I’ll be able to walk you through once I get home. There’s one CRUCIAL thing that everyone overlooks when it comes to the logic set up. It regards the opening of separate tracks and how to get individual track recordings instead of just a Main L+R.

I would type it out but I think a screenshot would work better. Give me a sec!


Wow, really appreciate it!

I’ll be interested in seeing the screen capture, too. I’m new to the Digitakt and to Elektron, but I have definitely struggled to even record using Overbridge into Logic.

I must connect my DT to my audio interface to record, even though I can hear my DT and see movement in the EQ when it is only connected via USB, it will not record.

What I had believed I’d be able to do with Overbridge and the DT was have separate Logic tracks for each pad which would allow me to record them independently in Logic (which will be amazing if true), but I don’t see how to do that intuitively yet either.

I’ve updated the system USB configs to Overbridge, and I’ve followed the Overbridge manual, and I’m on the most recent versions of the DT OS and Overbridge. I just think I’m missing a step if other can totally do this.


You don’t need to create an aggregate device to work with Logic, although I guess that way might a bit simpler as you’d have access to the Overbridge channels in exactly the same way as those from your soundcard. The way I do it is to add a new track in Logic with Overbridge plugin; select the configuration you want to add while adding (for the Digitakt, I use Multi-output, 1 x stereo and 9 x mono). This brings in the main audio output. Then open the mixer (press X).

See that little + icon over the solo button? Keep clicking that until all of the Digitakt channels appear as Aux channels the mixer.

You can then send the output of these aux tracks to individual busses, and then set up audio tracks to capture the audio on each bus coming out of each track, apply FX, EQ etc (this may be an overly complex way of doing it, but it work for me)

To capture the FX track in stereo, you can change the voice routing so that only the FX track is going to the main outs.



Thanks for sharing, this is a BIG help. Looking forward to trying this out later today!

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You can still use a sound card while using the plugin. You don’t need to create an aggregate device.

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Ha, fair enough.


@spikysimon @phaelam Im having an issue getting my digitone and A4 mk2 to work…well…im not, but when i set up the instrument track in logic and open mixer, I don’t have the little ± icons on the Instrument track… I’m sure this is a simple thing, but what am i doing wrong? driving me crackers

where do I configure that?

what I want to do is set up exactly as @spikysimon describes above… and record the individual outs, but as I say, no plus or minus on the track. it’s very annoying!

Just couldn’t see the above in the manual, despite best efforts! what a plum. thanks - that’s embarrassingly enough, sorted me out.


it’s not the most intuitive thing to set up! Took me ages to get it set up originally, and I’m still not sure that there isn’t a better or more direct way :slight_smile:

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only thing i’m foggy on now is the A4 effects track - the audio appears dry from the recordings of the 4 track outputs, and nothing is metering from the FX)

this is what I’ve now done. Major time saver.

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Thank so much for posting this!
Installed Overbridge yesterday and your post was the simplest one to understand when it comes to setting it up in Logic (the manual isn’t much help yet - and I’m not the most experienced when it comes to all these terms :slight_smile: )

I have sound coming and plugin working - and can record 8 audio tracks after routing busses and so forth, but there’s a few things that puzzles me:

In your screen shot you’ve got audio coming through on aux 9 (digi 11), I don’t get anything. Got the 1xstereo 9xmono setting going and the rest of the set up looks the same as yours, So what’s on aux 9?

Also, how do I get the fx from the Digitakt recorded (could that be related to aux 9)? I just get dry recordings - and even if I could do some post-tweaking, some of the effects (delay on some tracks for example) goes with the sound, sort of. The effects are coming through when listening through Logic - there’s just nothing being recorded.

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The last track is the FX track, you’re right (the last of the 9 x mono tracks). I’m not sure why you’re not getting it through – you might need to go into the Overbridge control panel on your computer to enable it, I guess, but it’s only in mono anyway so it’s not that useful at all really! You need it in stereo, so you’ll have to mess with your voice routings on the DT.

Unfortunately, I just packed my DT up for a house move so my memory may be a little hazy, but IIRC to get the wet FX you need to go into the global settings (the cog button), and then go to voice routing. Switch off the routing to the main output for all of the tracks except the FX track. Then you can send the main output to another bus and record the FX by itself in stereo, while still getting all of the other tracks on their own channels. Hope that helps, if not I can try to give better instructions when I’m back set up at the new place

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Thank you! That seems to have done the trick.
Still nothing on 9 (see nowhere to enable it in the control panel), but the global settings and routing main output to another bus worked. That leaves me with 8 dry tracks and one with sound+fx (and a whole lot of routing going on…).

I’m sure Overbridge will provide a few more obstacles (it’s beta, after all), but as long as I can record separate tracks with fx and some automation I’m happy (I think).

Thanks again and good luck with the move :slight_smile:


At least on my A4mk1 the last track (in my case 5th, or 6th if you count main), is not the FX by itself but actually the (dry) external input. So it’s silent as long as there’s nothing connected, of course. Is that the same on the DN/T?