Live hardware performances that you've found inspiring / memorable

I often get back to this one, I find it very inspiring to watch and I also love the song:

And of course that incredible Belibat TR-8s video that literally sold me the device. He also had some great TR-8s tutorials, but unfortunately took down his Youtube channel.


His songs were literally among the first I would learn on synth, e.g. Rendez-Vous, Magnetic Fields, Equinox, Chronology, etc, along with songs by Jan Hammer and Vangelis.

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I wonder if there is a way to get youtube to show me this kind of electronic music performance, instead of thinking i am in any way, shape, or form… interested in watching DJs.

You know what? I’m turning the thread into a playlist.


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Sorry for the fanboyhood, I cannot not post this in this thread:




Ha ha, this one is cool as well

(seriously, he makes it look so easy and fun)

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Got to have Author & Punisher in there:

And here’s a bit on how he does it all… he builds his own oversized midi controllers out of metal to give the whole thing and even more industrial look:


Saw this solo live (not in this exact same venue) more than 20 years ago. That was a special moment:

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Deantoni Parks. I‘ve just recently discovered this and I find it mindblowing. Mindblowing in its simplicity and execution. Hypnotic, even.

(I know that the samples are triggered via a controller off a laptop, but it might as well be an Octatrack, and it is more than made up for by the fact that he‘s playing live drums at the same time. This performance is arguably more live than most modular videos out there.)


I love this one, I love this one as well, dude’s unbelievable

btw I had the pleasure of seeing him live with TMV during the Noctourniquet tour, amazing drummer


Saw Russell Haswell again at the weekend. He was playing at a Downwards records night in Birmingham just after most of the crowd figured out Surgeon wasn’t coming and fucked off. The few dozen people left in the room were a mix of people who were really into what he was doing and people who really weren’t and seemed quite upset that he kept playing over their surpringly loud but incredibly boring cokehead conversations.

Russell is a master at his craft and fucking hilarious too. It’s inspiring to see a noise artist still finding ways to piss people off in a world that would struggle to look up from their phones and care if you started sacrificing kids on stage.

The juxtaposition between the increasingly silly noises and Russell shouting all sorts of bollocks without a mic created a really interesting dynamic between him and the crowd that meant even the people that didn’t like what he was doing got involved to some extent. He also polished off most of a 12 pack of Heineken during his set, made them turn off pretty much all the lights (because they were putting him off/blinding him) meaning that people were helping him see his gear with their phone lights. It was absolute chaos, but completely orchestrated by Russell. Weird fucker even had his gear on the floor, but stood over it sort of half bending over half falling on it.

Also, quite impressively, he built his whole patch from scratch in about 5 minutes, and it didn’t look simple.

Man’s a fucking genius and I’ve come home super inspired.

This isn’t a video of the gig I was at, but the performance and tracks are broadly similar.

Even my wife enjoyed it, but she said she’d have preferred to be laying down listening to it.



The whole time I’m thinking “what if he loses that drum stick!? there’s no extra drum stick up there…”

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The first campout festival i ever went to: EVEN FURTHER in Wisconsin.

Daft Punk first north American appearance, blew my mind, that was nail in coffin, hooked on gear!


What I myself don’t understand is how his right arm doesn’t cramp up…

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what a nice performance!

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This is kind of an Elektron Cercle, from @Analog_Sol