Live hardware performances that you've found inspiring / memorable

That Disrupted vid made me buy a Rytm and an Octatrack. Not looked back.

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A very inspiring Moog synth solo performed by Adam Holzman:

A 120 year old Argentinian Old Guard tango classic performed by a great pianist. No need for any electronic hardware, it sounds great out of the box:


That Disrupted video made me realise I totally forgot about Fasme!

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Go Melbourne!

@Honeysmack, :wink:


Fuck yeah, and Cj Bolland! Talk about blast from the past.

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I miss ylva, where have they been? Hope all is good. This video is always inspiration to do solo DN jams. I need more!

Contribution to the thread time:

I get super inspired any time I watch anything Steevio does. I only found out about the dude by researching modular stuff and hearing a few artists mention his name over and over - the guy is an absolutely brilliant artist.


Saw fjaak when they still were a true boyband with three members at Ohm(Berlin), that was super entertaining and impressive at the same time! Sadly the quality has gone down since they split up.

It seems Korg excels at small hard to use machines

- The guy who’s in a love story with his Volca Drum and was somewhat underwhelmed by the DrumLogue




Yes, he’s the reason I’ve been into synths since the 90’s. Dave Grusin’s the reason I got into piano at about the same time. If only there was more time :cool:

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i remember listening to the LP when i was a kid, and it was quite the trip.
Went into synths several decades later and it was a blast to discover him “again”.

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This one is interesting because apparently they tried as much as possible to limit themselves to technology available in 1976 (though a lot more of it, clearly, and Synthis instead of VCS3s, etc.).

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I often get back to this one, I find it very inspiring to watch and I also love the song:

And of course that incredible Belibat TR-8s video that literally sold me the device. He also had some great TR-8s tutorials, but unfortunately took down his Youtube channel.


His songs were literally among the first I would learn on synth, e.g. Rendez-Vous, Magnetic Fields, Equinox, Chronology, etc, along with songs by Jan Hammer and Vangelis.

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I wonder if there is a way to get youtube to show me this kind of electronic music performance, instead of thinking i am in any way, shape, or form… interested in watching DJs.

You know what? I’m turning the thread into a playlist.


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Sorry for the fanboyhood, I cannot not post this in this thread:

