Let my Rytm go and go with Syntakt?

There is so much I love about the Syntakt that the Rytm doesn’t have. The MIDI sequencing is really fantastic. I can’t imagine sequencing my Nords with any other hardware sequencer. The analog fx block routing, extra LFOs, extra filters on digital machines, and that digital clap machine. Delicious.

But then the inverse is also true, things I love about Rytm that Syntakt doesn’t have; sample layer and master compressor mainly.
Really wish Syntakt had those.
I don’t expect things like song mode or performance macros or kits to live on the mid-tier instruments, and I can live without them. Ah, but samples and a compressor… would be heaven.

But there are less things I love about rytm than Syntakt. And so I have the Syntakt still and the Rytm no longer. I recommend assigning a value to all the features you like from each, and which ever box has the most value when it is all added together is the one to keep.


Great to hear you like it so much

Yeah, for me it’s mainly the samples layer and the sequencer’s accents track that I love from Rytm and would miss. I used to prefer Kits over Digi architecture, but for the stuff I’m currently doing I just have one track per Pattern, so that might be fine. The one (main) annoyance I always have with Rytm is that it’s easy to get muddy. So I’d hope the Syntakt to be easier to mix. (Plus the benefit of Midi sequencing and smaller form factor)

I think I would get Syntakt without selling Rytm, cause I really do like my Rytm. I wanna see if it exceeds it or not (for me).

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I made some of my best tracks with a simple Rytm mk2 + OT combo. For some inane reason I sold the Rytm. God I miss it. Yes, I am selling a bunch of gear now to get it back.

Drums and stabs on the Rytm plus vocal, percussion loops and synth samples on the OT all in sync - it’s glorious. Record into the DAW, arrange and mix the audio as needed, and done.


Ahh yes I understand because RYTM is a drum machine first, but I like the fold keyboard so much I want it in everything, I think it should even be in the Analog Heat! LOL j/k


:joy: (this answers my question though perfectly, so it’s really a nice addition)

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I am in the same position,I sold a digitakt and I want to go for an armk2 or a syntakt,I close more on the armk2 since it seems to be the absolute flagship of Elektron.would a combo of DN and SN be good?

Why did you sell the Digitakt?

Regarding ARmkii vs DN+ST… I think it depends what you want to do and how you want to sound.

ARmkii is a few shades darker (less bright), 8-part multi-timbral, but each part is basically monophonic; it can sample internally and from external sources; it has kits, 12 performance macros per kit, 12 scenes per kit, and more sequencer features (like direct jump and song mode). It has a bus compressor. The tracks have overdrive and there’s a master distortion before the compressor.

ST+DN gives you 16 part multi-timbrality, 16 note polyphony plus the chord machines - you’ll get a lot more melody and harmony from this pair. The DN synthesis is much broader than the ARmkii (and an ST will give you roughly the same analog synthesis options as 4 tracks of AR plus all the nice digital stuff). They sound a bit brighter overall. The ST has that nice routing control and the (more?) versatile distortion.

(this also reads like I prefer the ST+DN over the AR. I’ve had an AR for 18months, and an ST is on the way. I love the AR)


I sold the digitakt as I had a Pioneer toraiz sp16,I decided that it is a more powerful sampler, of course I miss the sequencer of elektron as there is a lot of processing and diamond there. so I would like elektron back.I would be interested in the combo DN+SN.nice song mode but in AR.i do ambient and dub techno.thanks for the post.

OK… so it sounds like you have a sampler.

You can make dub techno chords with just a Rytm, but it will use need multiple tracks and/or internal sampling. Of course, you could also use samples from other sources. A DN+ST will give you many more options for chords.

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I would say 20 (8 for DN, 12 for ST).

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I love sampling chords into the Rytm from synths. They sound amazing in there for whatever reason. I guess the conversion to mono does something I like to the sound that I like. For dub chords it is perfection.


You’re right. I can’t count any more.


+1 for the song feature in Rhythm.does Rhythm with midi from external synthesizers behave well?

I’m sure the analog filter, analog overdrive and analog compressor does something lovely with the samples as well :yum:

I have a few chord spample chains, with major, minor, 5ths, 7ths and some inversions etc etc… from poly analog, FM poly and my virus that you can achieve most things with when using the ARMKII for dub chord


I think rytm is just in a completely different league. alone, as used here, the possibility via ob ableton to route the edited ableton tracks on a rytm pad without having to sample. so you get all the effects, sequencer, just like a new machine and can also shape the sound with ableton and add midi chords. i do it with the roland jv 1080 - an old synthesizer with a lot of character. i have the feeling that i don’t need anything more than this setup. rytm sticks everything together wonderfully and the song mode refines the arrangement feeling. all sounds are in rytm… and then everything can be recorded separately.

I’m so excited to see if elektron will come up with another cool update for the rytm. it would be so nice to see that you can move left and right of the samples at the same time and another filter for the samples…


Since he was referring to parts versus voices, I think 16 is correct (unless one considers the DN midi tracks to be “parts” :slight_smile: )

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He was referring to Parts and Note Polyphony. 16 Parts and 20 Note Polyphony. I should have quoted the Note Polyphony only.

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Ahh sorry my bad :slight_smile:

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