Let my Rytm go and go with Syntakt?

haven’t ever used a device with song mode but this is what I do with the Models, just tweak the Change and Pattern Length until you get the pattern to repeat as needed while chaining patterns together to make Intros, A and B sections, and the occaisonal filler pattern for like breakdowns or weird stuff

Yeah it’s a very loud acoustic resonating sound that plays for 2 sec when hitting the drum pads. Making it really annoying to use on lower volume. I’ve contacted my seller and they said it’s normal, even send it back to them, with them contacting Elektron, saying it’s a normal thing…
Paying 1600 eur for a drumcomputer and you’re getting that.

It will go away the more you use it.

I know it is annoying.

Hi, can you explain this in more detail please?

So I’ll try to explain that clearly.

In this example, we are assuming that you are controlling an external synthesizer (regardless of which one) via ableton via MIDI and playing it back via your audio interface.

To perfectly integrate the synthesizer via Ableton, use the Ext.Instrument, which you can find in the Instruments section. Once here, enter the correct MIDI channel of your external synthesizer in Ext. Instrument and your correct audio channel from your audio interface.

Now go to the Ableton Channel by loading the Ext. Instrument. Here it says MIDI From, which doesn’t interest us, and Audio To, which interests us, because here you now select the OB plugin, which you have to load beforehand in an Ableton MIDI channel. Underneath it now says Sidechain 1/2 etc…

Now you go into the OB plugin and in the top right in front of the kit editor there is a strange sign, you click on it and go under your assigned sidechain channel, in this case 1/2 on a pad you assigned, which you use with the Rytm or want to control A4, i.e. CH, CY etc. - so nice!!

Now you first create your MIDI stories via Ableton, i.e. chords or whatever, it works best with long drawn-out MIDIS, but that is not a must, but you can use the sequencer really nice this way, because you cannot use pitches via the Rytm or A4, but that doesn’t really matter because you do it via MIDI in Ableton.

Now you can play your synth through your Elektron as if it were a new machine. You can also turn off the machine with its own sound to just hear your synth. For proper note length control, go to the amp envelope short and adjust it so you see a note and dial down the decay a bit to taste. Now you can enter the exact note length via the TRIG page on the Rytm via LEN, which is a real hit because it’s really like a new synth. You now have access to everything, VEL, filters, trigs, sequencer, compressor, everything.

This also works with plugins…

it just occurred to me that you could also play pitches with the elektron sequencer in this setup. Here you simply set the midi channel and the corresponding assignments, as you would do if you only wanted to control one device via MIDI with the Elektrons. However, I find it better than ableton because you have unlimited polyphony, or you can use the polyphony that your synth has to offer.

this is roughly explained here at minute seven: Elektron Overbridge 1.10 and Analog Series Software Updates - YouTube


Wow, never would have thought of doing this, thanks for the detailed explanation! I wonder if you can sample through OB from Ableton in the same way. One of the features I would like the most is drag and drop transfer into the plug-in without the sample needing to be on the +drive

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Neither did I until I saw this clip of cenk and jimmy sometime a few years ago and had to see how to do it.

Yes, with the sample organization there is such a thing. But what’s also really cool about mk2 rytm is the sampling. i connected an extra cable from my audio interface output, where all synthsizers are connected, to the audio input of the rytm. so it is possible for me to record instantaneously, whether from the plugin or external devices in the rytm. and I think the recording quality is excellent. you can even record the internet directly with the usb cable, e.g. such interviews by jim morrison or something like that sound really good because they are old clips that have more character anyway if it scratches a bit. from the daw I usually record long chords and then edit them with the rytm. because these recorded samples sound really good in the rytm… i have the feeling that if i produce everything in the rytm by recording etc. and only use the effects from the rytm and do panning in there etc., the track will end up resembling a lot more one piece sounds.

someday i’ll get myself a mixer with reasonable aux effects and group editing options. that’s something fine. you can do that in rytm e.g. see that he has aux effects and group effects, so master. so everything sticks really nice.

if someone still has rytm tricks, bring them on. :wink:


This worked awesome, I was able to sample through the side chain input and although I’m very rusty with the sampling workflow it was still faster than bouncing a sound in Ableton, opening up transfer, moving to sound pool. Loading to pad, etc. I always thought I wouldn’t be able to do this because everything I’ve read needed you to set on an aggregate device (I have a PC). Thanks again!

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I’m having similar thoughts on replacing Rytm with Syntakt but I’m probably just gassing as the main common benefits seem to be around the midi sequencing and physical size. Space isn’t an issue and I’ve just ordered a Hapax, so these wouldn’t be selling points for me.
For info, I’ve got an A4 mk2 and DN, so not sure that ST would bring anything new to the table for me, unless I’m missing something from all the chat and demo’s I’ve heard.
Does anyone have the same/similar gear and can comment on whether ST would bring any dramatically different sound design and functionality to make it a worthwhile purchase?

Again, it’s probably just gas!


probably just GAS

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I would have expected a compressor update on syntakt… not yet alas

Keep the RYTM, syntakt is still undercooked despite overheating


I heard that an ST update is imminent. With or without a Compressor?

I have a Rytm and a Syntakt (and an A4 actually, but I’ve not used it enough yet to compare).

The Syntakt’s brilliant for its speed and tone. Personally, I’d be happy with fewer machines so long as they kept the SY BITS. The FX block has a lovely warm tone, and gives you loads of fun options; the chord machine means you can have chords with little hassle. The key folding UI is awesome.

The Rytm’s better for performance tools and has sampling. It’s tone is harder to tame, but it can be tamed. The compressor and distortion are wilder than the Syntakt’s FX block. It has more sequencer options: slide trigs, songs, note mutes. I’m not sure if you can do swing the same way on the Syntakt (and I like the Rytm’s swing options). Kits are really useful.

They’re both great instruments. I feel no drive to sell either. I’ve said many times the Rytm’s my “last instrument I’d sell”. The Syntakt might become that as I"m more a synthesist than a samplist, but I miss the kits and performance macros from the Rytm.


Thanks for the insights - this hasn’t quelled my GAS though, it’s only raised my intrigue levels :laughing:
I think I’d have to go your route and keep both until I’d be happy to part with one or the other…or neither!
I’m running out of mixer inputs and stand space so could do without another box. The ST would work great with my Faderfox MX12 though… :grin:

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Syntakt is prob a beast in terms of sonic capabilities but after watching so many videos online, i still cant put a finger on anything to say that’s nice to my ears. Same with Drumlogue.


I can understand feeling like that about the Drumlogue, but honestly the Syntakt sounds really good to my ears. Infact I think I’d actually struggle to make it sound bad!


In that one video, barker has a project on the OT he uses to to run most chords through any synth he encounters and sample the output. Does RYTM have midi now?

Man I miss the mk1 form factor.

Yes to the MIDI out, but not chords…mono notes only as it is a drum machine after all. But you can trigger other synths if you use 3 or 4 tracks to make a chord, and sample that through the inputs if you are rocking a mkii.

I just use a PC to sample however as that is where im making the 10 sample chains.

A year later looking on a report back lol