Is M:S abandonware?

Sure, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask. It’s just a bit much to imply Elektron isn’t meeting some obligation by not releasing firmware updates on a regular basis after a few years.


Still no update while they keep adding new features to the other boxes? :thinking:

I unfortunately agree… Both M:S and M:C seem to be abandonware.
A lot of people tell me that for about $300, I should be happy with what I got and shouldn’t be expecting more. I answer that I’ve also got an Arturia MicroFreak that cost more or less the same price and each year I get fantastic updates.
Some companies seem to take care of all of their customers not only those who spend the most money…


IIRC dvco for analog rythm appear four years after release.
And scale per track on Rythm/A4 appear later probably 7 years after release, and it’s a quite massive workflow improvement.
They have higher priority right now.
We are far from the Electribe 2 update territory :slight_smile:

Hope they will implement simple thing like the keyboard folding on MC/MS.
And few machine from ST on MC, specifically synth machine from MC.


I’m sure this has a significant amount of truth to it, but a bigger truth is simply that the update cycle is naturally slow when there’s a lot of products (especially now with OB and all the associated shifts in computer OSs) … my impression is that there are generally windows of time blocked out to make these little pushes and there’s bigger blocks of time for development of new things

the only time to start calling it out as abandonware is when it’s confirmed as Legacy and no longer being supported. Until then it’s in a queuing system with lots of variables we can’t possibly know about - but in the grand scheme of things, a year and a half is nothing in Elektron terms

It’s unfortunate that people get caught up in this comparative disappointment, it didn’t exist before the Digi song mode was rolled out and it crashes in after the announcements - the models are different imho in a number of ways, so it wouldn’t be wise to expect too much - there’s more scope and reason to have synergy amongst the other units which are much more similar - but I am pretty sure the analogs have have a long wait too, I’m expecting those will get some of the quality of life tweaks we have seen on the Digis, more focussed on UIs etc, but it really is best to define enjoyment with what you have, except when there are glaring bugs to navigate around (which usually get prioritised anyway)

They just dropped a new case for them after all (albeit not exactly tailored like the former sleeve) - but it’s just not possible to know if they’ve anything in the pipeline without asking


The Models seem to be abandonware vs it wouldn’t be wise to expect too much. Tomato, tomato


FTFY :wink:

Thanks :nerd_face:

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I don’t have a m:s, but I started my journey on dawless electronic music with the m:c. I really like the sound of it, and even I got now other elektron boxes, I cannot imaging a live performance without it.
The only thing I’d love to have on this box, and I think it’s the same on the m:s, it’s a mute mode, and the lock FILL, like in the digi boxes !

Then, they can abandon it :upside_down_face:

Both nice things to hope for (SY TOY on M:C would be nice, if it could be made to fit the architecture of the M:C, which seems to be based around 4-op FM) … but I won’t be bearing any grudges if Elektron don’t do it.

I bet you can do that by pressing TRACK + PAGE, if I understand you correctly

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Oh ! I’ll try that ! Thanks !


Nothing wrong with some devices being more or less feature complete. It would be fun to see an update for the M:S/M:C but also imo they have more to offer than any other drummachine in there price range already, so it’s hard to say they need updates.


Another update for the DT and still nothing for the MS.

There is a plausible theory that we might expect more firmware updates.


Still no Global BPM setting

Still no ADSR

If this thread is just for people to whine about features the M:S doesn’t have, let’s fold it up and stick in the Miserable Git Memory Hole of Sadness thread. Otherwise it’s a stain on the M:S’s good name.


Still no fucking cupholders!?!