Jeanne – I know you have a Hydrasynth, and have ordered an Anyma Omega, both of which do microtonal scales.
If you set the voice on the HS to a microtonal scale, let’s say 31-ET, successive MIDI note values received by the HS, gives successive notes along the 31-ET scale, breaking the standard MIDI note value map.
A controller emitting successive regular MIDI Note Ons, will output the successive microtonal 31-ET pitches from the HS. You could then choose if you wanted to assign the MPE Press or Bend on the Exquis, or any controller, to bend those notes from their 31-ET base.
In this case the relationship on the Exquis of the lit notes, as to scales and chord shapes etc, will not be correct, but other shapes and note connections would occur.
One way this could be adjusted is by changing the arrangement of MIDI Notes output by the Exquis, and changing the keys lighting. So someone decides on a different arrangement of notes on the keyboard, to make an arrangement more friendly to the player.
Is this what you are wondering about for the Exquis ?
Another way that microtonal scales can be done is keeping the HS for instance in standard 12-ET tuning, and using MIDI Note On combined with Pitch Bend, to map successive keys to a different scale let’s say 31-ET.