Introducing Model:Samples

Does anyone know if all 6 tracks stream via the CC USB or just the stereo outs?

Haha you gotta be kidding me :rofl: sorry but that is just funny, but it was a joke, right??


@bradleyallen mentioned that somewhere in the Manual it says that it’s 6 channel. But no one else can find the info to confirm. It’s a mystery…

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I wonder if they could rip out all the audio stuf and turn this into a ÂŁ100 usb performance interface for digitakt.
The idea of direct hands on control is good. Changing tracks and finding the specific parameter on DT isn’t as intuitive as this device.

I get that entry level Elektron is ok - but really, how many different form factors does one company need? Somehow loved uniformity with “old boxes”.

But that’s just my OCD.


However, it is a bit clunkier (stress on the DC jack, and what not) than when the battery is part of the design, like the “Powerhandle” surely will be.

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Too expensive for what it is, better to get that Maschine app on your phone for a few quid in my opinion if you want to make your tunes on the go.


Wondering why this still isn’t in the digitakt


doubt it, seems like 2 channel usb. Otherwise it would just include OB.


Yeah that’s what I thought too, dunno where Bradley’s got the 6 channels thing from…

Why buy any hardware at all when you can just use an app on a tiny touchscreen?


your wrong because The technological arrangement is the first spec of Elektron

You think they remove features when in fact it adds

Read manual of your groovebox !

That would be my guess. Actually feels like a device designed to recoup on all that Overbridge development time and money, but doesn’t actually support Overbridge.


DT has no multiplier chip :rofl:

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not the same glory :mage:

its got no bandpass filter chips in it either :laughing::ok_hand:

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Bigger hardware is more tactile and more powerful. In terms of size and spec this can’t be compared to say the RYTM which is pricey, but that price can sort of be justified. This kind of thing, for me, just falls in the gap of being not much more powerful that an app and slightly more clunky. Then again I never really got the point of things like Volcas and Pocket Operators, not my bag. But hope those looking forward to it enjoy it.

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looks like I was right about my guess of there being extra slippy buttons! also dang some good tunes in there!

Interesting the decision to put the MS physical size in between the DigiXXXX line and the Mark 2s.

?? I said op1 allowed for separate stems export. You then said on the MS you can just use the onboard interface for this. I asked if it has 6 channels then? You didn’t answer that but instead seemed to imply I should read the manual… that to me translated as, ‘yeah, 6 channels, it’s in the manual’. My error I guess :confused: