Introducing Model:Samples

Oh god it’s gonna be large and hideous isn’t it. Why couldn’t they just put a battery inside the damn thing? I really want to love you, M:S!

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I guess the argument for a separate battery pack is that there’ll be multiple model:stuff so a detachable pack allows you to switch and swap between them, or not bother if you don’t want the portability.

It’ll be interesting to see if one pack can power multiple units or whether you need to purchase one for every unit you have…

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From the description Mario gave it’ll swivel so you can use it like people use the decksavers to angle the device up. Hope that means it’s not super thick

This now makes sense : given the position of the ports and the dead area at the rear - lovely design touch, (even handier if you could just feed it eneloops or similar recharge-ables)


26 posts were split to a new topic: Aspects of portable power options to consider

Sure…but thats tech + time. 4 months after i dropped 4k on my TV, a better cheaper model came out.

You can either get what yer after at the time or just keep waiting forever. But it doesnt matter…youll always be behind.

It’s funny, when I first saw this new thing I thought Fisher-Price, Tomy and my first xxxxxx :joy::joy::joy:

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3 year warranty? Its not stated in manual or on the website so we can we assume 3 years?

Wasnt really interested in this at all but I think with a good battery would be great for messing round on the couch.

IMO there’s clearly been a trend towards smaller more affordable/accessible machines across the board over the last few years.

Not sure I’d expect to see this battery pack any time soon given Elektron’s recent history.

TBH I’d much prefer a battery compartment where I can just put some AAAs in or something… Why do hardware manufacturers make everything so hard these days?

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Sell a man a battery housing and you can eat for a day. Sell a man the batteries he needs for the housing and you can eat for a year.

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Can MS go granular on whatever samples you put in it?

it would be nice to hear the results of using single cycle waveforms on each track and then use the CTRL-ALL on some of the parameters… :open_mouth::smile_cat:

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IMO the killer feature on this thing is the ‘chance’ parameter. With ctrl all you can effectively randomise all the trig data on all of the tracks by twisting a single knob, no prep. We haven’t seen that on any Elektron machine so far and it’s pretty exciting. Even the OT fader, with all of its power, only modifies sound parameters rather than trigs, meaning patterns can often feel quite static despite big scene changes as the underlying note data is still the same.


And it is also little money for a great many people. We can’t expect OT features at a Volca price point.

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The jam Cuckoo did on the M:S was pretty impressive, but he makes most things seem cool. Mario is pretty good at explaining what the machine can do, but Cuckoo showed what it can do. I’m still on the fence about wanting one, but there have been a few times in the writing stage where a super quick machine like this could come in handy. Sure there are (slightly) cheaper alternatives that look pretty good, but I already know and love the Elektron sequencer, so…

For those that might not have seen it, here’s the Cuckoo vid.

direction and loop are only possible to nail down in gridrecording mode…as traditional parameter locks per trig…
or u perform them in realtime live jams…no option to fix’em though…i’m afraid…

Agree with you on that. Between the Chance knob, knob(ish) per function, and the track scaling this does feel like a separate instrument that is (even) more performance oriented and a nice intro to Elektron for those on tighter budgets. The more I think about the more I warm to the idea of it… albeit I don’t envisage myself getting one. I’ll live in hope that track scaling makes it to the DT in a future firmware and who knows, maybe in few years time it’ll be right for me then or some fine Elektronaut tempts with a keen price in the For Sale section.

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