Introducing Digitakt

if you connect your DT to your computer via USB, it becomes available as MIDI device - no need to go through the audio interface for midi clock.

on DT in Settings > Midi > Sync, make sure it’s set to receive clock & transport.
In Settings > Midi > Port Config, make sure that input is set to USB.

(haven’t clock slaved it myself yet, but people report that it’s crashy when you do this with the current OS version 1.01)


Hi. First question here. Can anyone confirm whether it’s possible to sample from the inputs while the sequencer is running. Thanks.

Just picked mine up from Guitar Center!
Nice looking machine… Sounds great


[quote=“phaelam, post:7506, topic:35326”]
so…right out the gate…you can’t assign the LFO the retrig? [/quote]

LFO modulates sound engine parameters, not note sequencer data.


Yea, DT is an outlier as a digital Elektron with retrig.
The retrig implementation on DT is more AR style than MM/MD/OT style.

On AR (and DT), retrig is in the sequencer.
On MM/MD/OT, retrig is in the digital sound engine.

In many ways, DT has more Rytm DNA than anything else.

As a feature request, it could be filled, as there are vacant parameter slots on the TRIG page. (same goes for Rytm, with one slot left vacant on the note page)


just make the sample loop, and modulate the length parameter with LFO

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Any one know how to get the patterns to reload when they’re fired again. I thought I saw Dataline do this in a video

Like if I leave a pattern in one state, go to another pattern then return to the original pattern

Got mine today - anyone else find a few of the parameters finicky with the encoders? Specifically the “PLAY” setting on the SRC screen, with encoder B. Sometimes I can spin and spin and spin the encoder with no change, and suddenly it will tear past all the settings, skipping over the others. there is no precision. I have also noticed this happening with encoder G when trying to change the filter type. Sometimes spins do nothing, then it will skip all the way to one extreme or the other. Is this normal?


Yes I just tested sampling while the sequencer is running and it works no doubt

Yes, I was going to mention this bug on here today as it’s pretty annoying.

Definitely not a problem with the encoders as they work fine on other items where you can see the numbers going up and down. Just seems to be when you’re trying to change a selection like the play mode or filter mode etc.

Yeah same here with the encoders.

Also the function button sticks a bit. When I release it it comes back with a loud click…

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first jam on the Elektron Digitakt. kind of jacking the Field’s style on this one. very simple patterns that make sparing use of the probability trigs


Same here

This is fixed in 1.02 that is out soon.


Be my guest


nope, i’ve pre-ordered and payed the pre-order for the DT months back as i still had the money :wink: So - the MPC is still around :yum:

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Please declare the bugs you encounter in the dedicated thread.
Pay attention to the OS version in the thread title + use search to make sure your bug hasn’t been reported yet.



Quick question for anyone who has a digitakt to play with, is there a way of dong CTRL ALL via midi? Could I for example set up a midi foot controller to CTRL ALL filter cutoffs on one pedal and reverb level on another?

:joy::joy: Very well played. :+1:

WELCOME BACK! Always dig your stuff.