Introducing Digitakt

Yes. No.
303 slides can be done with the LFO actually. Been playing around with that a lot.


Trigless trigs are a deal breaker for me so that’s great. Thanks for confirmation!

Real shame about the parameter slides though. They would have gone a long way in lieu of multiple lfos.

Anyway appreciate you taking the time to reply @Ess, can you send me my DT now?! :weary:


can we set like delay time by using midi out to midi in, and then use a midi channel for that?

Thanks for clearing that up. Thought I’d read the 44.1 thing somewhere, but also could have dreamt it, as all I can think about, day and night, awake or asleep, is the Digitakt I have on pre-ordered!

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that’s great

is it worth outputting the L&R to separate mono channels on a mixer or keep the signal summed together on stereo mix channel?

Not sure what you mean exactly. What is it that you are outputting to a mixer?

DT L & R outs into a single in-channel on the mixer seems sufficient. In my end I dont see the point of DT L & R into channels 1 & 2 (so L–>1, R–>2) on a mixer unless you want that much more control over your field. Im assuming the master page on the DT will have a master Pan, negating those extra steps

when will be possible to down load a manual?

Well, the outputs on the Digitakt are stereo - there is panning per track, there are stereo effects on the unit. But yeah, you could of course use the two outputs as separate outputs if you hard pan each track accordingly.


Around shipping time - mid May.


Thanks Simon. Also, this might have already been mentioned in this massive thread, is there any type of swing parameter in this machine?

I saw swing in one of the superbooth vids. Can’t remember which. And it had a neat graphic where one of the notes moved back and forth.


That doesn’t make any sense. Each out put is mono, so both together are stereo. So you do need to have them into separate mono inputs hard panned left and right for it to be stereo in your mixer!

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Someone with a good memory about what’s been said should maybe make a new thread and collect all the ‘known’ info in to the first post and keep it updated? Lot of roundabouts in this thread :wink: Think Swing got covered somewhere, I think it’s a ‘yes’, but good luck finding it in here :wink:


Still not getting my answer I need… NOTCH FILTER MODE YES OR NO?!? LOL

I suggested a ‘Digifact’ thread but who can be arsed trawling through this lot?
Finding DB Cooper would be time better spent! And easier.


Yeah, a FAQ thread might be needed…

@hotscience More filter modes TBD…

Sorry, hard to keep up with all the questions!

Swing? Definitely!


It only ships with lp/hp but apparently there can be more in the future according to Cenk in one of the vids somewhere.

Definitely need more filter types to carve out the best audio.

how about accent/trig-mutes? (since slides are out…)
and can you enable swing for a step, or is it locked to odd 16ths?