I usually love it here …

So much negativity, so many bad vibes.

I lurk, I ask technical questions once I’ve exhausted my own knowledge and the search capabilities. I contribute if I think I can help in that moment, not that often as there are many more with better skills.

Elektronauts was and still is my only ‘social’ site . I’m here all the time, reading, laughing, learning. Ive had all the boxes bar the MM, at least once, I’ve made lots of bad decisions and wasted a ton of money but that’s on me. Never felt the need to bad mouth the company or a machine. What’s with you guys? Seriously!

I’m no fan boy but Elecktron gear makes my free time more pleasurable. I miss it when I’m left with just other stuff and I always come back to P-locks and 64 steps. Syntakt may not be the replacement for the MD that I struggled to sell back in the day, but then again it might be. So I’ve ordered one and I’ll see how it goes, like most others. If I don’t like it I’ll sell it on. No big deal.

I am happy to be here and part of this forum and I appreciate what I have. If only I could ignore the predictable negativity of those who have no intention of getting in to the game I’d be 5% happier I suspect. But I read all the crap,… hey ho!


I scroll down to the bottom of threads I don’t want to see and select Mute.

That way I am much less tempted to participate in such conversations.


This. Just mute the shit-stirring until it blows over.

Every post I make otherwise just bumps a thread and none of us are going to change any minds or antipatterns :slight_smile:

It’ll just make you more miserable, I always need to log off touch grass/knobs. I’d love it if online was healthier for learning, collaboration and community building but the best part i can contribute is to spend less time involved over getting a word in.


It would be nice to not have to do Admin in my chosen hobby. I’ve muted a fair few users but it gets silly when half the replies in a thread are hidden. I suppose that should be my trigger for reading no further.

Anyways, my Syntakt arrives next week and my SP-16, AK, and BB are getting shelved for a while. I’ll not be reading the manual this time around, just seeing where it takes me. Just like I used to.


I use the Mute option because I have no desire to police other people’s opinions. So I offer that merely as a suggestion.

You do raise a valid point about potentially missing out on good quality posts on a thread you just Muted. I’m fine with taking that risk but can understand your reluctance.


for whole threads, this is key.


Yeah, I was never much of a mute/block guy, but I find myself doing it more and more.

I like to live in a world where I’m the most miserable git. Anyone north of me on the Meldrew scale is likely to have the thread they’re moaning on muted by yours truly, if not just to preserve my own self image.


Just muted my first topic. Felt dirty. Hopefully no one posts that one killer jam or nugget of gold that could change my life in that thread.


I muted nearly everything except No Gear New Year thread, and a few on techniques I want to try sometime. Motivation was slightly different (GAS reduction), but I do spend my time here more productively now.


Yeah I don’t know, it’s really kind of weird.

People constantly spitballing about that analog digital hybrid machine that does all sorts of things. Then a unit like that gets released – “Is Elektron losing its foucs?”


you can also mute a whole section of the forum.
Muting “other gear” is helpful if you’re suffering from GAS.


It’s funny. I posted a similar thread and was not welcomed as much as this one is. Perhaps I was a bit too cheeky with the title.


the main damage it does for me (as a staunch non muter) is that i just stop reading the festering threads, which means i miss out on the slithers of worthwhile discussion and any elektronauts zeitgeist memery.


We now have two active threads complaining about people complaining. I’m muting this with the rest of them.


How can this be an issue for anyone. Some like it, some don’t, so what. There are good insights from both sides.

Truth to be told, sounds a bit childish to me. If you don’t like, just ignore it.


New Elektron gear seems to bring out the crazy in some people. It’ll calm sooner than later.

This place is a little piece of heaven compared to other forums. Try a American football fan forum, it’s sad really.


Complaining about people complaining about something.

This forum is getting trippy


Ah, the internet.


Yeah, I hadn’t considered the irony. I guess I’ll have to use my new found muting skillz on my own topic before I descend in to a K-Hole of rinse-repeat .


Remember when the model:whatever came out.? It’s was an asylum.